Community council needs you!

Last night I toddled along to the monthly meeting of Newtonhill, Muchalls and Cammachmore Community Council not because I had to but because I wanted to! I wanted to know what’s happening.

Three of the new Aberdeenshire councillors were present, so that’s a good start. The fourth one had a prior commitment and sent apologies.

What struck me was the need for more people to join the community council. The annual general meeting will be next month, and nominations are needed now in all three communities.

A couple of long-standing members are proposing to step down – Rob Peaker and Michael Morgan. Both have been great servants to the community.

It is time for some young folk to step up, and share the task of representing us. It is one evening a month for 10 months of the year. If you are nosey and care passionately about the three villages, then come along.

Just in case someone asks me, well why don’t you join Ian … I have done my time. Before being an Aberdeenshire councillor for 15 years in this ward, I was a member, then secretary and finally chairman of the community council.

So, could you do It? Please? Forms must be submitted by 25 May. More here:

New Liberal Democrat councillor Mel Sullivan has provided a summary of the key issues discussed at Wednesday’s meetings. More here:

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