Shambles over budget cuts

Harold Wilson said a week is a long time in politics. Well, so true. We have seen funding for local authorities cut by the Scottish Government. Then we read a further £86m was being cut because of an accounting mistake, and today we read in the Press and Journal that some councils – including Aberdeen – will indeed lose out, but others won’t. And actually Aberdeenshire Council’s settlement will go up by £492,000.
While that is good news, it just means the cuts for us are not as bad as we feared.
But what a way to run a country.
Aberdeenshire Council is to set its own budget on 8 February, including setting the council tax rate. It’s rather challenging when we don’t know from one day to the next what’s happening.

2 thoughts on “Shambles over budget cuts

  1. Neil Paterson says:

    It’s strange that there is never criticism of the UK government on this blog. Is it because your party is implicit with the failed Tory/Lib Dem austerity policy inflicted upon all UK citizens and knock on effects to the devolved parliaments annual settlements? When the Brexit effect kicks in and life becomes even more difficult what then? Will you still blame the Scottish government?

  2. ianmollison says:

    If and when Brexit kicks in I won’t be blaming the Scottish Government, but the UK Government. Some Tories told us everything would be wonderful when we “take back control”. Well, we will see.

    However my postings focus principally on local issues. That’s why I don’t bang on about UK matters or indeed Scottish matters. Just council and local issues. So you’ll need to go elsewhere for Westminster criticisms

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