AWPR complaints meeting gets nowhere

More than 200 people attended a meeting in Peterculter tonight to discuss the traffic delays at the Milltimber Brae / North Deeside Road junction as the Aberdeen bypass construction enters its final phase.
Transport Scotland and its agents were asked a raft of questions about current delays at the junction caused by traffic lights and about its operation when the AWPR opens.
Apologies were offered for the disruption – ‘regrettable’ – but the project is close to the end.
Figures were shown which appear to back the case for traffic lights rather than a roundabout. Once the AWPR opens it is predicted that queues would be much shorter with lights.
It was also stressed that it is expected there will be a 40% reduction in traffic on Milltimber Brae due to the transfer of north/south traffic to the AWPR.
However many of the complaints were about the situation today, with delays much longer than they used to be. Assurances were given that the lights are being monitored and adjustments are being made.
The speakers were also pressed for a date when the AWPR will open. The answer was given that they are on track to open in the winter of 2017/18 but cannot be specific and the work is weather-dependent. However the chairman of the community council – they had arranged the meeting – said that he expected a March opening. We will see.
A reporter and photographer from the Press and Journal were present so we will be able to read more about tonight’s meeting in the paper. Meanwhile here is their coverage previewing the meeting:

One thought on “AWPR complaints meeting gets nowhere

  1. Keith Stockdale says:

    Why do they always make single lane roads exiting Aberdeen like the muchalls bend and many others. Don’t they know most people live outside of Aberdeen because they can’t afford to live there. And yet they struggle to get home and the traffic management ie temp. traffic lights are not planned at all. I think you should sack all the planners and consult the public in future because we know best and we are cheap.

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