Council takes action on dog mess

Aberdeenshire Council is putting in place an action plan to tackle dog fouling. This includes empowering more staff to issue fines and making dog waste bags available free of charge. 

The plan was approved by the council’s infrastructure services committee last Thursday (20 June). 

North Kincardine councillor Ian Mollison is a member of the committee. He said: “It is a combination of carrot and stick. As well as being unsightly and a nuisance when it gets on your shoes, dog mess carries a health risk.

“At present the three dog wardens and four community wardens can issue fixed penalty notices. This will rise shortly to more than 40 council staff. The penalty is £40, which rises to £60 if not paid within 28 days.

“On a more positive note, the council hopes to develop partnerships with local communities. The Clean Dog Walking Campaign has bee successful in some areas.

“Dog waste bags are provided free of charge by the council, available from environmental health officers, and it is hoped to expand this service to more council offices.

“Additional dog waste bins are being provided in appropriate locations. Dog waste bags can also be deposited in any dual purpose council litter bin. 

“Areas which are particularly prone to fouling will be prioritised.

 “In Newtonhill villagers have launched their own campaign, with poo bags freely available from dispensers around the community. This has led to a reduction in dog mess being left on the streets. I urged officials to consider replicating this initiative by having dispensers near to waste bins so that dog owners cannot give the excuse of being caught short.”

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