A briefing for councillors has highlighted three activities at Portlethen Academy which are well worth sharing more widely.
Portlethen Academy’s gardening group recently received certification and recognition of their efforts with the receipt of their Stage 1 Sprouting Award from One Seed Forward Garden Schools.
The students have been responsible for the project management timeline which included construction of planters, fundraising, purchasing soil and equipment, painting the planers, filling the planters, and sowing the seeds. The group returned to a very fruitful crop after the holidays, with special thanks to the local Out of School Club who kindly continued watering over the summer.
More recently, the group enjoyed a networking session with fellow horticultural enthusiasts. The pupils are currently looking forward to visiting and working with their new contacts out in the local community to build on their learning.
Tom Jennings (the ASL teacher who oversees the gardening group), shared that “many members of the group can struggle in a traditional classroom environment. For me, it has been so incredible to see them in a completely different light: they have been more relaxed and enthusiastic and there is a genuine sense of them being invested in where the group is going and how we can get there.”
This year’s paired reading has just re-started at Portlethen Academy. Twenty S5 and S6 pupils volunteered and have undergone training to carry out a paired reading programme with S1 pupils who struggle with or lack confidence in reading. The pairs meet twice a week in the library during Clan time. The senior pupils help the S1s choose a book that they will enjoy, and the pairs read together, discussing the text, improving reading skills and chatting about books in general. This will carry on until Easter and will help the S1s feel more confident that reading is something that they can enjoy. At the same time, the Senior pupils develop their communication and mentoring skills.
We would like to share the successes of the Porty running club (PAH3). We have an average of about 20 runners each week some of whom are now taking on the extra responsibility of laying the trail that the pack follows and doing a really good job at it! They are very much ‘#GettingInvolved’ and showing their ‘#RespectForAll’ which are two of our core school values, in the way that they look after each other on trail. It is also a great support to their own health and wellbeing during these challenging times.
Council wary of government survey
At least eight councils have refused to take part in a Scottish Government’s health and wellbeing census for children amid calls for a boycott over its use of sexually explicit questions.
They are among 21 that have failed to commit to taking part in the census, with 12 reviewing its contents and another one distributing it with changes.
I had a couple of residents in the ward contact me about a Scottish Government children’s survey before coverage appeared in the media. Accordingly I contacted Laurence Findlay, Aberdeenshire Council’s director of education and children’s services.
He told me that some of the media coverage is from an old survey which some areas ran a few years ago.
“However, it is true that the Scottish Government are running a health and wellbeing census and as part of this the census will gather information from young people about their health behaviours – physical, mental and sexual.
“The survey questions will vary depending on the age groups being surveyed. To that end, younger children will be asked questions about diet, exercise etc and older teenagers will have questions around smoking, alcohol and sexual activity.
“The census was delayed due to the pandemic and was due to recommence this year. However, we have gone back to challenge some of the questions as we are of the view that some are unnecessarily probing/graphic. To that end, the roll-out of the census in Aberdeenshire is currently stalled.”In my view some of the questions for older children are intrusive and, as Mr Findlay says, graphic.
More here: https://news.stv.tv/east-central/council-halts-contentious-survey-on-pupils-sexual-experiences?top&fbclid=IwAR2BjDx7t3yAFMJtbWk1ZAJTHuSoe9-XRg5yVRwBYBQBSVXBA-Ww3U8a5iU
Energy from waste plant on track
This afternoon I was part of a small group of councillors visiting the site of the new energy-from-waste plant being built in Tullos, Aberdeen.
The plant will process non-recyclable waste from Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and Moray councils, and will produce electricity for the national grid and heat for a district heating network.
From 2025, new legislation means it will no longer be possible to landfill our waste. The three councils are working together to build the facility to process waste which cannot be recycled.
The plant is due to become operational later next year.
You can find out more here: http://www.nessenergy.co.uk/
Asda helps local groups
Asda customers and staff nominate three local community projects per store each quarter, and the group with the most online votes wins a £500 donation, with the second and third place groups each receiving £200.
So far this year there have been two rounds of voting in the Portlethen store.
Asda tell me that Hillside Parents Group and Stonehaven Amateur Swimming Club won the customer vote and were each awarded £500.
As runners-up, Portlethen Sports Club 2015s, Home-Start Kincardine, Rhythm Nation Dance Companies and Portlethen Town Association (for the Christmas lights) all received £200.
Station: Survey results unveiled
More than 1100 people responded to a travel survey on behalf of North East transport partnership Nestrans. It focused on the Aberdeen to Laurencekirk corridor – and of particular interest locally was a section on rail travel, including the possibility of new stations.
A report for the Nestrans board on 8 December says: “There is demand for additional rail infrastructure along the corridor, particularly from Cove and Newtonhill with 47% indicating that a new rail station in Cove would encourage them to use the train for more journeys and 42% indicating the same for a new rail station in Newtonhill.
“However, it should be noted that some concerns were raised regarding the potential demand for rail in light of changing travel patterns as a result of the pandemic.
“52% of respondents noted that reduced cost of fares would encourage them to use the train for more journeys.”
The report also highlights active travel. “There is demand for improved active travel facilities along the route, with half of respondents indicating that long-distance walking and cycling infrastructure is needed and 46% indicating that improved walking and cycling infrastructure within settlements is required.”
On bus services, the report says there is demand for improved services, with 43% indicating that there are journeys they would like to make by bus that they are unable to currently.
“In order to encourage greater bus use, the most popular responses were in relation to improved frequency (46%), reduced cost of fares (46%), quicker journey times (38%) and services to a wider range of destinations (37%).”
There were 418 responses from Cove, 297 from Newtonhill, 109 from Laurencekirk, 50 from Portlethen, 36 from Chapelton, 28 from Stonehaven, and 24 from Muchalls.
The survey report can be found on the Nestrans website: https://www.nestrans.org.uk/…/081221-Nestrans-Agenda… Open the agenda pack and scroll to page 115. The link to the report is at paragraph 3.6.
Nestrans officers will now consider the key findings.
And finally, my thanks to all those residents who took the time to contribute their views. It wasn’t a swift survey to complete!
Lots of interest in a youth club
More than 200 people have signed up to a proposed new youth group in Portlethen.
Local resident Morag Kennedy started the Facebook group on 19 November and by today she had 214 members signed up. She is working with Community Learning & Development (part of Aberdeenshire Council) to find out if there’s a need for accessible and inclusive youth provision, i.e. in the form of a dedicated youth space/centre/hub/cafe.
“At the moment I really need young people to complete the survey. It can be completed multiple times by the same person if they have new ideas.
“But I need people from P6 up to the age of 25 to engage with the survey and tell us what they would like. We are finding this age group don’t really understand what a youth club is, which is a real shame and we want to change that.
“We may have a location to use in Portlethen, and I hope to visit it soon.”
The survey form can be found at https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=BpPZ_i1NCUSVndDttzBKC1-651y-mY9NgzN_eL5TtmZURUlMSFpIUEdYVjBXNUYxWk02TE1FNkxONy4u&fbclid=IwAR1y_nYA9MKWINerADEUDgj-TkoVLw4GkilHu0xVHKXuMgqYlveiRX7TqqU
Saltires flying on flyover
I am told there is an array of saltires on the flyover at Newtonhill, no doubt marking St Andrews Day.
However such displays divide public opinion. Many don’t see what the problem is and like seeing Scotland’s national flag. Meanwhile others fear this is a distraction to drivers on the dual carriageway and have safety concerns.
In my experience many dismiss the views of those on the other side of the argument.
The issue was brought up at recent meetings of Newtonhill, Muchalls and Cammachmore Community Council, with safety worries being expressed. The police responded by saying that if they receive complaints they will take action if warranted.
If anyone wishes a copy of the policy being followed by Police Scotland, and Transport Scotland (including their operating company BEAR Scotland), then please message me.
Transport Scotland said that “Anything attached to the parapet, apart from potentially causing damage, is distracting to road users and can cause an obstruction if it becomes loose. From a road safety point of view, the right to peaceful protest is fine if it’s in a suitable location. However, protests being held on bridges on or over the trunk road aren’t a suitable location.”
Anyone with concerns should contact BEAR Scotland.
Helping hand on offer
The Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund – being distributed by Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action – provides funding to small grassroots community groups and organisations, and aims to help communities be healthy and active, be inclusive; empowered, resilient and safe; and to tackle poverty.
Does your group or organisation help those facing hardship through lack of employment, addiction or the rising cost of food?
Do you support people isolated due to where they live, technological or transport issues?
Do the groups you work with have a reduced access to medical services?If your project/initiative/group supports the well-being of our community, please take a look at the funding information in the link below because you could be eligible to apply.
The funding can cover equipment, one-off events, hall hire, training costs, transport and more, and is accessible to all groups no matter how small or inexperienced (even un-constituted groups).
Phase 1 – applications to be in 7 December
Phase 2 – applications to be in 5 January (or until all money has been allocated, whichever is sooner.)
Visit the AVA website for more information, guidelines, application form and how to access support with applications if you need it. https://www.avashire.org.uk/cmhwfund…
New planning applications
The following new applications in the North Kincardine ward can be viewed on the Aberdeenshire Council planning register: https://upa.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/online-applications/.
Date validated: 22 November 2021.
Site address: Findon Park, Hillside.
Applicant: Mrs Jessie Cameron c/o Lachlan MacDonald, 44 Strichen Road, Fraserburgh, AB43 9QZ.
Full planning permission for change of use from recreational ground to form a five stance private permanent caravan park site for gypsy/travellers, erection of five sheds, kennels and associated works (Retrospective).
Public comment expiry date: 23 December 2021.
Date validated: 23 November 2021.
Site address: Ashbrook House, Maryculter, AB12 5GR.
Applicant: Mrs Catherine Stott.
Full planning permission for alterations and extension to dwellinghouse.
Public comment expiry date: 15 December 2021.
Date validated: 26 November 2021.
Site address: Silverknowes, 35 Bracken Road, Portlethen, AB12 4TA.
Applicant: Mr Ian Lawie c/o EB-Architect Ltd, Office 10, Badentoy Business Centre, Badentoy Crescent, Portlethen, AB12 4YD.
Full planning permission for alterations and extension to dwellinghouse.
Public comment expiry date: 16 December 2021.
Free school buses for all Newtonhill pupils
School transport between Newtonhill and Portlethen Academy is to become free for all pupils thanks to a new concession bus pass scheme for everyone under 22.
Until the pandemic struck, the school buses also operated as a local bus service. However to maintain covid physical distancing rules Aberdeenshire Council opted to deregister meaning they were operating as dedicated school transport services only.
Physical distancing guidance has now changed and there is the opportunity to re-register these services.
Meanwhile the national Under-22 Concession Scheme for free bus travel is scheduled for implementation on 31 January.
A decision has been taken to reinstate combined school transport/local bus operation of the Portlethen Academy services, from 17 February, after the mid-term break.
This will have the advantage of:
• Bus operators will be able to seek reimbursement for fares revenue foregone on behalf of the council from Transport Scotland;
• families of non-entitled pupils who have been benefiting from free travel will continue to do so as the pupils affected will be able to continue to travel free under the Under-22 Concession Scheme; and,
• allowing families ample time to apply for a Under-22 Concession Pass, with the application process opening in mid-January.
Portlethen Academy is letting pupils/families know of the availability of the free concession travel in advance in order to permit a seamless transition for those affected.
Just to be clear, this only affects the three buses that serve Newtonhill. There are no current plans to register any other (dedicated) school transport services as local bus services. On the three buses from Newtonhill any member of the public could travel (as they could in the past).
The buses will still display school bus signs. The signage will no longer be a legal requirement but the council’s terms and conditions of contract require operators of combined school transport/local bus services to display school bus signs on any journeys to/from a school.