The time has come for the pipe and slippers (so to speak). After 15 years, I have decided to step down in May as the Liberal Democrat councillor for the North Kincardine ward.
I have given this a lot of thought. It has been a pleasure (most of the time) and a privilege to have been chosen to take the difficult decisions on behalf of the 12,336 voters in this ward. It has been an honour to have represented the ward, but now is the time to step aside for someone younger. The years are adding up now!
There have been highlights, such as the decision to give the green light to the building of Chapelton. It is a community which is a delight to the eye.
I will also always recall being in the Bettridge Centre in Newtonhill when an orchestra from Scottish Ballet played for some local primary school children, including the memorable “Pirates of the Caribbean”. That was something to behold.
There have been dark moments too. Particularly the Scottish Government’s decision to over-rule the views of local councillors about whether houses should be built on the moor south of Newtonhill.
I have tried to make this a better place to live, but not always succeeded. Trying to move a local authority in the right direction isn’t easy. There are 69 other councillors for a start. And councillors do not take operational decisions, so one has to use persuasion and logic when putting a case to officers.
One aim has not yet been realised … the reopening of Newtonhill Station. All the signs are good, but it takes many years to accomplish this. We are on the right track.
My thanks to the many people who have encouraged me, and helped me along the way. To those who don’t fall into that category, well, what can I say. Life would be dull if we all agreed. And these 15 years have been anything but dull.
All I ask is that people are kind to my successors. Most councillors are conscientious, hard-working and doing the best they can. One hundred days to go.