Portlethen Town Association is to host a meeting to determine whether there is sufficient interest to hold a gala this year.
It will be held in the Jubilee Hall on 14 March at 7.30pm.
Usually the gala is held on the last weekend before the schools go back after the summer break. It usually takes a team about six months to make the arrangements. Alternative options could be considered.
Free LFT kits available
Lateral flow test kits can be collected from council staff across Aberdeenshire next week from a number of sites including locally:
Monday 28 February – Stonehaven, Market Square (collect only): 10am – 3.30pm.
Tuesday 1 March – Portlethen, Asda (collect only): 10am – 3.30pm.
Wednesday 2 March – Stonehaven Market Square (collect only): 10am – 3.30pm.
Thursday 3 March – Portlethen Asda (collect only): 10am – 3.30pm.
Friday 4 March – Stonehaven Market Square (collect only): 10am – 12pm.
Help if you are struggling with bills
I’ve received some helpful information from Advice Direct Scotland about the launch of a £3 million Home Heating Support fund, and a nationwide campaign on tackling debt.
The Home Heating Support fund has been launched to help Scots struggling with their energy bills amid a growing cost-of-living crisis.
The Scottish Government scheme, administered by Advice Direct Scotland, is designed to prevent households falling into fuel poverty.
The fund is open until 31 March and anyone struggling with their energy bills can contact Advice Direct Scotland directly who can assess eligibility for the fund and make a referral.
Advice Direct Scotland has also launched the debt campaign to encourage Scots to contact the national moneyadvice.scot service for free debt advice if they are struggling with their bills.
The campaign includes adverts on commercial radio, in newspapers, on buses and on digital street hubs across Scotland.
The service includes free, impartial and practical advice and a live chat service with specialist advisors available at www.moneyadvice.scot/. The service can be contacted for free on 0808 800 9060 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Council hybrid meetings to return
Councillors today agreed to return to hybrid meetings where possible in Aberdeenshire Council.
Officers will look to facilitate councillors attending policy committee on line or in person at Woodhill House in Aberdeen.
Some area committees – including Kincardine and Mearns – may also return to hybrid meetings.
It is also hoped that the last full council of this five year term on 28 April may also see at least some councillors attend in person.
Country road to close
Aberdeenshire Council’s Roads Service will be carrying out drainage works on the C12K Cookney to Netherley road.
That means the road will be closed at Springfield, from the B979 Netherley Road to the C25K junction at Burnhead) on Monday 7 March for five days.
Site notices will be erected in due course indicating the temporary restriction to traffic and the alternative route.
Council tax and rents to rise
Council tax will rise by 3% in April in Aberdeenshire.
The below-inflation increase will see a 75p a week rise for those in Band D properties, or £39.02p a year.
Councillors agreed this morning to the rise on a 57 – 3 vote (with four councillors declining to vote).
The proposal was backed by the administration (Conservatives, Liberal Democrats and independents) and the opposition (SNP, Labour and independents), but was opposed by Alba councillors who wanted a tax freeze. The Green group of two councillors proposed a 5.4% rise, which gained no other support.
The administration group pledged that 0.5% of the council tax rise will be earmarked for an infrastructure fund to improve roads, bridges and buildings.
Council tax equates to 20% of the local authority’s budget, with the balance coming from government grants and charges.
A cost of living payment of £150 will be made to households with a council tax band of A to D, previously announced by Westminster and passed to the Scottish Government in recognition of the rising cost of living, in particular on food and energy.
Full council also heard that there are no plans to introduce a workplace parking levy, new powers which are being given to councils by the Scottish Government.
A detail budget on how council funds will be spent in the coming financial year will presented to the next full council meeting on 9 March.
Councillors also agreed – without the need for a vote – to increase council house average weekly rents by 1.5% from 1 April, with an annual review thereafter for 2023/24.
The new average weekly rent will rise by £1.26 to £85.37.
A notional rent increase of 2.5% for 2023/24 and 3% for 2024/25 was also agreed, subject to tenant consultation and further consideration and approval by the Communities Committee.
The number of mainstream houses held in 2022/23 is expected to increase from 13,070 to 13,272 by 31 March 2023. These additional units, together with the rental rise of 1.5%, will result in an overall budgeted rental income for 2022/23 of £58.8m.
The graphic comes from the council.
Search for local heroes
Communities across Aberdeenshire are being asked to nominate their heroes for the 2022 Inspiring Aberdeenshire awards.
The council-run awards have been taking place for 10 years and seek to celebrate unsung community heroes across Aberdeenshire.
The winners are often people who get little other recognition for their tremendous efforts.
The nominations opened today (22 February until 1 April) and there are eight categories against which anyone can make a nomination. The full list of categories is here along with a short description of each: https://engage.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/inspiring-aberdeenshire-2022
Spotlight on the rural area
North Kincardine Rural Community Council met on line tonight. As usual a wide range of issues were discussed. Here are few items that caught my eye.
PC Marc Camus provided his monthly report, mentioning the theft of a £30,000 caravan and drivers speeding through Riverside of Blairs (a 30mph zone) at about 50mph.
Broadband provision was discussed with the differing offers available. Consideration is being given to inviting a speaker from Aberdeenshire Council’s new digital engagement team.
The provision of wreath frames at war memorials and other work would need grants from outside bodies. A long-term solution needs to be found, in particular at Banchory Devenick.
Planning applications were given due attention, including plans for houses at the Old Mill at Maryculter. This was followed by a discussion on complaints about building standards at some Riverside of Blairs houses.
A grant is being given to Corbie Hall at Maryculter for the replacement of pads and a battery at the defibrillator.
The community council is to consider names for more streets in Chapelton.
The next meeting is on 21 March, starting at 7.30pm.
Diversions if heading into Stonehaven
A diversion is in place if you are heading to Stonehaven this week.
David Street and Belmont Brae are both closed from today (21 February) until Friday 25 February while resurfacing works are undertaken on David Street and repairs are undertaken on Belmont Brae as well.
Emergency, pedestrian and vehicular access to affected properties will be maintained whenever possible.
During this time there will be no vehicular access to Mineral Well Park from David Street.
These works will start just after the junction with the Coop so access to the David Street Coop will not be affected. You may remember that the Turners’ Court junction was done a few years ago so where that work ended on David Street, the resurfacing now will begin.
Stagecoach will be re-routing the 7, X7, 26, 107 south from the Barclay Street terminus and out on the A957 south to the A92 and A90 then north from there. This means three bus stops will not be operating during this time.
LFT kits on offer
Aberdeenshire Council staff will be handing out lateral flow test kits this week for people who do not have covid-19 symptoms. The schedule includes local venues:
• Today (Monday):
Stonehaven, Market Square (collect only) 10am – 3.30pm
• Tuesday 22 February:
Portlethen, Asda (collect only), 10am – 3.30pm
• Wednesday 23 February:
Stonehaven, Market Square (collect only) 10am – 3.30pm
• Thursday 24 February:
Portlethen, Asda (collect only), 10am – 3.30pm.
You can book a PCR test via the gov.uk website – https://www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test – or by calling 0300 303 2713.