Clamping down on fly-tipping

Aberdeenshire Council has stressed the need to tighten legislation to crack down on fly-tipping offenders.

That’s the key point in the council’s response to a Scottish Government consultation on a proposed new national litter and fly-tipping strategy.

The six-year strategy, due to be published in the coming months, will set out a vision for a future where the environment is unblighted by litter and fly-tipping.

It is a problem locally, with one example recently being a couch and seats being dumped near Portlethen golf course.

Before allowing any waste to be taken away, householders should take a note of the vehicle registration number, ask to see a waste carrier’s licence, ask the carrier exactly which licensed facility the waste is going to, and be suspicious if the quoted price is too low.

If the person taking the waste won’t give that information, then the chances are your waste will be illegally dumped and the householder risks being given a fixed penalty notice.

More here:

Covid: Masks stay for now

Masks stay for the moment.

Some covid restrictions were due to change in the coming days, but there has been a marked increase in positive cases across the country. The BA.2 strain of Omicron is dominant in Scotland.

In summary, the First Minister today:
• Confirmed that social distancing measures in shops and other premises will end from Monday along with the requirement for businesses to collect customer details.
• Asked that people continue to wear face coverings on public transport and in certain indoor settings for a further two weeks. In two weeks, that will be reviewed. The mask wearing legislation was due to end on Monday also, but this has been extended to take account of rising case numbers in Scotland.

From 18 April, people will no longer be asked to test twice weekly if they have no symptoms.

Routine asymptomatic testing in education settings – schools, early learning and childcare, and universities – will cease at the end of the current term.

From the end of April, testing for people with symptoms will also end.

A new Test and Protect transition strategy was confirmed, and can be found here:

What can we learn from storms response?

Last night I attended a discussion for community councils in Kincardine and Mearns about the impact of the recent storms, and the issues they caused.

It was hosted by Aberdeenshire Council as officers try to help us be better prepared from the next storms, whenever that may be.

Our two ward community councils were represented – Newtonhill, Muchalls and Cammachmore CC and North Kincardine Rural CC. No-one from Portlethen of course as the community council in the town collapsed last year due to a lack of volunteers.

New planning applications

The following new applications in the North Kincardine ward can be viewed on the Aberdeenshire Council planning register:

Date validated: 9 March 2022.
Site address: 59 Whinpark Circle, Portlethen, AB12 4SS.
Applicant: Mr Andrew Cowie c/o SL Architectural & Building Services Ltd, 22 Seafield Avenue, Aberdeen, AB15 7XB.
Application: Full planning permission for the erection of replacement garage.
Public comment expiry date: 30 March 2022.

Date validated: 10 March 2022.
Site address: 80 Oak Drive, Portlethen, AB12 4XU.
Applicant: Mrs Linda Bain c/o Groundwater Architectural Design, 41 Bracken Road, Portlethen, AB12 4TA.
Application: Full planning permission for alterations and extension to dwellinghouse.
Public comment expiry date: 31 March 2022.

Guidance on planting trees

Aberdeenshire Council Ranger Service has published a video on tree planting and aftercare on its webpage:

The video supports residents, schools and community groups who wish to improve biodiversity and environment through planting trees. The video provides information on selecting appropriate sites and species, how to plant trees and how to look after planted trees so they can grow and develop.

The Ranger Service has also used NatureScot Nature Restoration grant funding to build two community equipment kits for tree planting and aftercare.

The kits contain tools such as spades, rakes, shears and gloves which support successful tree planting and aftercare. The kits can loaned to schools or community groups and can used either independently or with a Ranger (where available).

Planning for Open Doors Day

Aberdeenshire’s annual Doors Open Days event will be hosting a blended event in 2022 giving visitors both physical and online access to buildings across the Shire on Saturday and Sunday 17/18 September.

Although last year’s event was somewhat different as a result of covid restrictions, more than 30 venues took part.

The event is coordinated at a national level by the Scottish Civic Trust, and locally by Aberdeenshire Council’s environment team.

This year the team is looking to promote Aberdeenshire’s culture and heritage through a blended event, combining virtual and physical venues.

If you are part of or know of an organisation or community who would wish to participate, email

The team also hopes to build on the Scottish Government’s Year of Stories by using the Doors Open Days event to highlight and celebrate stories inspired by, written, or created in Scotland.

Coastal grants on offer

The third year of the Aberdeenshire Council’s Coastal Communities Challenge Fund programme is now live.

Grants are being targeted at community groups, third sector organisations and small businesses on Aberdeenshire’s coastline and can fund a range of activities with positive economic, social or environmental impacts.

The fund distributes revenues generated by Crown Estate Scotland.

In the first two years grants were offered to an array of projects including equipment for sailing clubs, investments in fishing businesses, improved community facilities and access improvements to beaches and the coastline.

Funding of between £2,500 and £25,000 will be available, however applicants must make a minimum 10% match-funding contribution to projects. Small business applicants must contribute 50% match funding.

Applications must meet the following priorities:

• Supporting the development of active travel routes along, to and from the coastline
• Developing the coastal economy and sustainable tourism
• Creating or enhancing community, leisure and recreational facilities
• Safeguarding, restoring or enhancing the coastal environment.

The deadline for submitting applications is Monday, 16 May. All projects must be completed by 31 March 2023.

Potential applicants can access the application form and guidance at Applicants can email for more information.

New jags centre agreed for Stonehaven

The final step was taken this afternoon for opening a vaccination centre in Stonehaven’s Invercarron Resource Centre.

Approval was given by Aberdeenshire Council’s communities committee for minor works costing £75,000 to make it fit for purpose. This includes flooring works, removal of built-in cupboards, privacy film on ground floor windows, addition of a wash hand basin, improved lighting, and making space for vaccine fridges plus hard-wiring. The work should take about six weeks.

The new centre will cater for nearly all vaccinations including flu, covid, and shingles for residents across Kincardine and Mearns.

If approval had not been given today then residents would have had to travel to Aberdeen or further afield for vaccinations. Nationally general practices no longer offer such vaccination services.
Currently Stonehaven Town Hall hosts the vaccination centre but it is being returned to normal use on 1 April.

The decision to use Invercarron was not one made by Aberdeenshire Council and legally councillors had no discretion today about the procurement approval. The decision had been taken by the Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP). Councillors were told that alternative venues were considered, but Invercarron was the only viable option.

The proposal attracted some opposition from Stonehaven residents. Accordingly the committee agreed today on a 12-2 vote to instruct officers to review the governance route and processes, and to establish a focus group with community representatives, the HSCP, council officers and other appropriate services, and that they assess the need and map out possible solutions for the groups who have been displaced from Invercarron.

The HSPC has also given an undertaking to review the situation annually.

Keep on testing

People are still being encouraged to do a lateral flow test twice a week and to test before meeting someone at high risk.

Full details here:

You can get free lateral flow tests by:
– Ordering online at
– Phoning 119 (7am – 11pm daily. Calls are free of charge)
– Collecting from one of Aberdeenshire Council’s mobile centres at the following locations:

Monday 14 March – Stonehaven Market Square Car park, 10am – 12pm (collect only)
Tuesday 15 MarchPortlethen Asda Car Park, 10am – 12pm (collect only)
Wednesday 16 March – Stonehaven Market Square, 1.30pm – 3.30pm (collect only)
Friday 18 MarchPortlethen Asda Car Park 10am – 12.30pm & 1pm- 3.30pm.

Spotlight on infrastructure

Today was the final meeting of Aberdeenshire Council’s infrastructure services committee before May’s elections. Here are a few headlines.

SPEEDING – The number of people being injured or being killed on our roads has been falling steadily. Police Scotland will continue to monitor speeding as this is a factor.

MORE TREES – Councillors agreed a report should come to a future meeting about how the council could plant more trees, particularly in light of the widespread damage caused by recent storms. The provision of a grant fund to support communities planting trees is also to be looked at.

LOCAL PLAN – Disappointingly, it will be May at the earliest before Scottish Reporters deliver their verdict on Aberdeenshire’s proposed local development plan. It sets out where development should and should not take place. The draft was submitted last March. Officers predict it could be August before the new plan is adopted.

NUISANCE GULLS – An action plan to deal with urban gulls was approved today. It is a complex situation as gulls are a protected species. The plan includes how to limit the availability of food (e.g. through littering from food outlets and the public feeding the birds), egg and nest removal, and treatment of buildings to prevent nesting and landing. There is no quick fix.

CHARGES – The North East Biological Records Centre is to increase its charges to commercial users by 10%. Councillors also agreed that charges will be introduced for exclusive activity sessions which the ranger service can provide for commercial organisations. This will be fixed at £30 per hour.

BUSINESS DISTRICTS – The committee agreed to support the continuation of business improvement districts in Inverurie and Peterhead. A ballot is to take place among businesses to confirm they wish to continue the arrangement.

PAVEMENT PARKING – Comments are to be submitted to a Scottish Government consultation on proposed regulations to introduce a ban on pavement parking. Councils will have discretion to identify exemptions from such prohibitions. An Act was approved in 2019 to ban pavement parking, but has not yet been brought into force by the Scottish Government.

ROADS POLICIES – Policies were approved covering street naming and numbering, signing of tourist facilities, enforcement of roads and traffic authority powers, electric vehicle charging, road markings and vehicle activated signs. The issue of electric vehicle charging caused most discussion, particularly the challenge for residents who do not off-road parking at their homes. Officers are to continue to look for a solution but a cable trailing across a pavement is not supported.

LITTERING – Aberdeenshire is to trial a sample of litter bins which have sensors which alert the council when it requires emptying.

TRANSPORT – Disappointment was expressed at the Scottish Government’s strategic transport proposals for dualling of the A96, the lack of support for a rail link towards Peterhead, and no direct commitment for more local stations including Newtonhill. Feedback will be passed to Transport Scotland.

WANT MORE? – All the reports can be found at