The facts about our primary schools

Parents can be reassured that our local primary schools can cope with the number of children needing educated.

Councillor Ian Mollison said: “At the moment Portlethen, Fishermoss and Newtonhill primary schools do have capacity to take more children.

“Fishermoss has 263 pupils, and officials have recently told councillors this number is projected to fall to 241 by 2016.

“Portlethen has 297 pupils, and this is to rise to 543 pupils by 2016. Hence the need to consider rezoning in Portlethen for a better balance.

“Newtonhill has 303 pupils, and is projected to have 281 in 2016.

“This can be checked by looking at the reports prepared for Kincardine and Mearns Area Committee on 7 February, item 5 on the agenda. Click here:…

“These figures take account of all known housing development, but of course they are subject to some variation!

“Should there be a sudden rise in the number of young children which leads to a need for a third primary school in Hillside, then the council has funding set aside in the years to come to build the school. A site has been earmarked, and at the moment the council has until 2017 to take up this option.

“Should the third school be necessary I would have no hesitation in supporting it.

“I note that it is being said that Stewart Milne would like to build 1500 more houses at Portlethen. Well he may, but he would need to get planning permission first. Local councillors ruled out further major development of this sort when they approved to new Local Development Plan for Kincardine and Mearns. That was one of the reasons we unanimously agreed that it would be better to develop a new town at Chapelton of Elsick. We are now waiting to see if the Scottish Government supports our decision – or decides we got it wrong. We hope to hear within the next few weeks.

“Assuming the Scottish Government supports us local councillors (but who knows?), then Stewart Milne’s plans will be contrary to the new Local Development Plan.

“In the meantime, the council is investing in our current local schools to give our children the best education possible. By the way, a further £100,000 is being earmarked this week for more upgrading at Portlethen Primary.”

Hopes for missing link dashed

Fresh hopes that a path could link Newtonhill with Portlethen have been dashed.

The proposal was raised at Newtonhill, Muchalls and Cammachmore Community Council by vice-chairman Michael Morgan who hoped that obstacles in the way of constructing the path could be overcome.

Attempts by Aberdeenshire Council officials last year foundered as they attempted to negotiate with landowners. The aim was to construct the path for walkers and cyclists parallel to the railway line between East Cammachmore and the southern end of Portlethen.

Mr Morgan was hopeful that there might be a new willingness amongst those involved, with the possibility of grant funding.

Councillor Paul Melling recalled that the idea had been mooted by pupils at Portlethen Academy who wanted a quick and safe route between Newtonhill and the school. At present anyone wishing to walk or cycle between the two communities has to use a footpath beside the A90 Aberdeen-Stonehaven dual carriageway.

Councillor Melling said: “It would be a real boon for youngsters and everyone else.”

However fellow Liberal Democrat councillor Ian Mollison has had it confirmed since the community council meeting that gaining the agreement of all the landowners remains a stumbling block.

He said: “One landowner agreed in principle, with conditions. However, it has not been possible to gain agreement with the second landowner. And I am told that a third landowner cannot be traced.

“It is very likely that compulsory purchase proceedings would be needed to acquire the land. This would be difficult to pursue successfully as there is viable alternative beside the A90, even though it is not ideal.

“It appears that the new path, although desirable, could not be considered essential and is therefore unlikely to meet the legal criteria for compulsory purchase. This means that the outcome of any such proceedings is, at best, uncertain.

“I am bitterly disappointed that this missing link cannot be established.”

Back the campaign for a better rail service!

Local Liberal Democrat councillors this week called on Kincardineshire residents to put their views to the Scottish Government on the future of railway services.

North Kincardine councillor Ian Mollison said: “People have the opportunity to play their part in shaping Scotland ‘s rail services. In 2014, the contract for ScotRail passenger services and funding arrangements for Network Rail in Scotland come to an end. The consultation by Transport Scotland is a crucial part of the government’s considerations.

“I have already responded and made the case – again – for the re-opening of local stations such as Newtonhill. It is folly that the Aberdeen area does not have its own commuter services. This would take some of the pressure of our roads.”

Councillor Paul Melling said: “Although passenger numbers have been increasing at Portlethen, we need more trains to stop, and a strong marketing campaign so that people know what services are available.”

Stonehaven has seen more and more people use its station, but again not all trains stop there. Councillor Peter Bellarby commented: “The extra car parking has been a great success. We need to build on that and encourage people to travel by train rather than by car.”

Mearns councillor Provost Bill Howatson said: “I am heartened by the re-opening of Laurencekirk station, which has exceeded all expectations. The crucial decision to re-open the station was made by the then Liberal Democrat Transport Minister Nicol Stephen. We need more investment like that in our local rail services.”

Councillor Mollison added: “This is the chance for people to have their say, rather than just mutter into their coffees!”

The consultation ends on Monday 20 February. Further details can be found at the website.

How the council helps keep the buses running

Aberdeenshire Council gives financial support to help keep some bus services running, writes Councillor Ian Mollison. Without that help, these services would not be viable and probably cancelled by the operators.

In the Portlethen/Newtonhill area, the services are as follows:

Monday to Friday

0500 hrs ex Stonehaven – Newtonhill – Portlethen – Aberdeen [Service 7A]
0905 hrs ex Newtonhill – Portlethen – Aberdeen [Service 7]
0959 hrs ex Portlethen – Marywell – Aberdeen [Service 8]
1159 hrs ex Portlethen – Marywell – Aberdeen [Service 8]

0940 hrs ex Aberdeen – Marywell – Portlethen [Service 8]
1240 hrs ex Aberdeen – Marywell – Portlethen [Service 8]
1325 hrs ex Aberdeen – Portlethen – Newtonhill [Service 7]


0527 hrs ex  Stonehaven – Newtonhill – Portlethen – Aberdeen [Service 7A]
0627 hrs ex  Stonehaven – Newtonhill – Portlethen – Aberdeen [Service 7A]
0855 hrs ex Stonehaven – Newtonhill – Portlethen – Aberdeen [Service 7]
1107 hrs ex Stonehaven – Newtonhill – Portlethen – Aberdeen [Service 7]
1156 hrs ex Portlethen – Marywell – Aberdeen [Service 8]

0940 hrs ex Aberdeen – Marywell – Portlethen [Service 8]
1240 hrs ex Aberdeen – Marywell – Portlethen [Service 8]
1325 hrs ex Aberdeen – Portlethen – Newtonhill [Service 7]
1455 hrs ex Aberdeen – Portlethen – Newtonhill – Stonehaven [Service 7]

I have been advised by Neil Stewart, the council’s principal officer for local bus services in the Public Transport Unit, that there are some journeys operating quite close together. These were not tendered in this way, but the operator indicated that they would cover all the tendered components by means of more than one journey e.g. the 0905 hrs ex Newtonhill – Aberdeen (Monday to Friday) fulfils the demand from Newtonhill to Portlethen and Aberdeen, while the 0959 hrs ex Portlethen – Aberdeen (Monday to Friday) fulfils the demand from Portlethen to Marywell Park and from Marywell Park to Aberdeen. This was tendered as one journey from Newtonhill to Aberdeen via Portlethen and Marywell Park. It’s the same in the afternoon and on Saturdays.

The vast majority of journeys between Aberdeen and Portlethen/Stonehaven are operated by Stagecoach Bluebird on a commercial basis. If a journey is not operated, the company normally informs Traveline (to inform the public) as well as the Traffic Commissioner.

Regarding the small number of supported journeys on the corridor, it is the operator’s duty to keep the council informed, and unless the non operation is due to severe weather conditions, there is no payment. Indeed, if the failure constitutes a breach of contract, it will be subject to the council’s penalty points system, which can also result in the imposition of financial penalties.

Don’t look for your MSPs’ number in the phone book!

The new Aberdeen phone book is being delivered locally, but one section of the business listings is perplexing North Kincardine councillor Ian Mollison. 

“As you do, I was checking to see that my own entry was there correctly. I also turned to the entries for Members of Parliament, and was astonished to see that it contains several West of Scotland MSPs, but not all our North East MSPs. 

“If you want the numbers for Pauline McNeill, Paul Martin, Trish Godman and Jamie Hepburn, then you are in luck. However why would anyone here want to phone an MSP more than 100 miles away rather than someone locally? 

“Even worse, Pauline McNeill and Trish Godman are not MSPs any more. One was defeated in this year’s Scottish elections, and the latter retired. 

“Maureen Watt, who was elected as the MSP for Aberdeen South and North Kincardine in May, is listed as a North East Region MSP. 

“And not there at all are our regional MSPs Liberal Democrat Alison McInnes, Labour’s Jenny Marra, Tories Alex Johnstone and Nanette Milne, and the SNP’s Mark McDonald. Neither is Nigel Don, the member for Angus North and Mearns. 

“To be fair to BT, it does say in the phone book that if the MSP you want is not listed, then contact the Scottish Parliament. 

“Nonetheless it is seven months since the elections. 

“At least Sir Robert Smith, the MP for West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine, is listed.

“I have contacted BT to draw their attention to these anomalies. And believe it or not, they are unable to correct the mistakes as the company responsible is based overseas. Their staff do not understand how the Scottish Parliament works. I am sending them the corrected data. ”

Sewage blockage in Newtonhill

Scottish Water staff were called to Newtonhill at hte New Year when sewage started bubbling out of a manhole.
A resident in Anderson Drive said later: “It was disgusting. This is not the first time this has happened, and occasionally there is a smell of sewage in the area, particularly at one point.”
A spokeswoman for Scottish Water that staff had been called out after being contacted by local people. A main had become choked. Workers cleared the sewer and washed the road.
Councillor Ian Mollison, who stays nearby, said: “A foul water main linking Muchalls with the treatment works at Nigg, Aberdeen, comes down Anderson Drive. There have been a number of problems with the main along its route over the years.
“Sometimes mains get choked with all sorts of strange items. Disposable nappies in particular and a build-up of fat can cause blockages.”

Welcome for consultation into re-opening village post office

The Post Office is proposing to open an outreach service in Newtonhill, following the closure of the village’s own branch in December 2010. 

The plan is that the Newtonhill Pharmacy will host the service on Friday afternoons from 2.00 to 4.00.

Brian Turnbull from the Post Office said: “The establishment of a hosted service presents the best possible solution for us to restore services to Newtonhill It will be provided by our subpostmaster from Laurencekirk, and will provide the same range of products and services, with the addition of a Euro and Dollar on demand bureau de change.”

The Post Office is seeking feedback from customers before going ahead. Comments should be sent by 15 February to the National Consultation Team, Post Office Ltd, PO Box 1138 , St Albans AL1 9UN or by email to .

Newtonhill resident and Liberal Democrat councillor Ian Mollison welcomed the news. “This is a much-needed service which has been greatly missed since our former postmaster took ill. I hope it is a success, so much so that the hours can be expanded, perhaps by providing a service on Saturday mornings too so that working people can take advantage of it. I have spoken to the local pharmacists and he too hopes it will be well suported, with the possibility of longer opening hours.”

Fellow North Kincardine Liberal Democrat councillor Paul Melling said: “Newtonhill is a growing community and I hope it warrants a better service than two hours a week. Nonetheless this is better than nothing and it will be up to the local people to prove that there is a demand for longer opening hours.”

The carnage on our local roads

A newly-produced map unveils the scale of deaths on local roads over the last 10 years – with accidents on the A90 in Kincardineshire alone claiming 22 lives and leaving a further 21 injured between 1999 and 2010.

The BBC’s road deaths map illustrates the extent of the carnage on roads throughout Great Britain. The map was based on police reports received by the broadcaster.

North Kincardine councillor Ian Mollison said: “It paints a depressing picture, and highlights the dangers of driving across the country. Men, women, teenagers and youngsters have been victims of accidents on the dual carriageway between Laurencekirk and Portlethen.

“Every improvement on the A90, such as the Findon interchange and the Portlethen underpass, helps to save lives. 

“The South Deeside Road between Bridge of Dee and Kirkton of Durris has also claimed seven lives, with four injured, during that period.”

Councillor Mollison, who is a member of the Scottish Accident Prevention Council’s roads committee, added: “ Britain has one of the best records in the world for road casualties, but more needs to be done. Each death is one too many.”

Fellow North Kincardine Liberal Democrat councillor Paul Melling commented: “Most accidents are caused by drivers travelling too fast or not taking heed of road conditions and other drivers. People feel safe in their own world when driving a car, whether there is sunshine, rain, snow or ice outside. Being in their own personal bubble can lead to complacency.

“The more that can be done to reduce the risk the better, such as closing off unnecessary cross-over junctions on the A90 and building more deceleration lanes.”

One notorious blackspot is the Laurencekirk junction, which has a 50mph limit. However drivers are still being caught by the speed cameras.

Mearns Liberal Democrat councillor Bill Howatson said: “Laurencekirk is set for major housing expansion and that has to be accompanied by a 21st century flyover. The case for investment has been made. Now it is time to deliver.”

The details are available at:

Flood waters falling

Improving weather conditions and falling water levels have seen a number of roads and bridges re-open across the Grampian area as flood relief efforts by a range of agencies continue. Here is an update from Aberdeenshire Council:

Weather conditions have steadily improved and while persistent rain is expected on Saturday and into Sunday, Sepa’s forecasting does not predict any significant risk of further flooding at this time.

Falling water levels have allowed teams to carry out inspections of various routes and structures. This has allowed a number of bridges and routes to be re-opened.

This included the re-opening in Banchory of the B993 Potarch Bridge, the B974 Dee Bridge (Dee Street, Banchory), and the C36K Feugh Bridge.

Ballater Bridge survived the worst of Storm Frank and reopened to traffic earlier today (Thursday) following an inspection by engineers.

The Maryculter Bridge has also reopened, albeit the South Deeside Road between Maryculter and Aberdeen remains closed.

Improving conditions and work on the route also allowed the A93 to re-open between Aberdeen and Ballater this afternoon.

As the Invercauld Bridge remains passable only to pedestrian traffic, Perth and Kinross Council has kindly agreed to grit the A93 from Glenshee to Ballater, given local access challenges.

In Ballater, a total of 96 people were accommodated in the Victoria Barracks last night (Wednesday). It is likely that a large number of these people will require accommodation for at least another night.

In the town itself, various agencies and community groups have been hard at work to assist the recovery effort and offers from volunteers are also being coordinated.

An appeal was made to council employees and members of the public to help support ongoing relief efforts over the coming days and weeks, and discussions are taking place with those who have been in touch.

Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) has had around 100 employees in Ballater today, providing advice and support to the community as well as working to reconnect electricity supplies and providing food supplies.

NHS Grampian has been working to ensure those who need access to medicines are catered for, following flooding to Ballater’s pharmacy.

Earlier today, Deputy First Minister John Swinney visited Ballater and met Aberdeenshire Council leaders and the chief executive, among others. He was able to survey the damage caused by the storm and speak with those involved in the response.

HRH the Duke of Rothesay, Prince Charles, also visited Ballater today in a personal capacity.

Both the local police and fire stations were affected by flooding and options are being considered for alternative space. In the meantime, police have been assisting with mapping and helping residents return to their properties where possible.


In Aboyne, residents of Bonty Court sheltered housing returned today (Thursday) as the flood risk to the area subsided.


Road sweepers were unable to reach the flooded part of the road at Marykirk today (Thursday) and will revisit the site to finish the tidy up.

Aberdeen City

The Bridge of Dee and Victoria Bridge were reopened in the early hours of today (Thursday), and Maryculter Bridge reopened in the afternoon. All routes in the city are now open.

Looking ahead, Aberdeenshire Council is looking to ensure appropriate resources are in place and maintaining an accurate log of spending.

Daily conferences will be held by Aberdeenshire Council over the next few days so that any urgent matters can be addressed during the holiday period.

Having done a significant amount clearing up the streets of Ballater and other affected areas, Aberdeenshire Council’s roads team will be taking a break tomorrow, but will be back in action on January 2 to continue the clear up.

Pitcaple Quarry is on standby to become operational, should materials be required to repair road surfaces ahead of the end of the holiday period.

Maria Walker, duty emergency response co-ordinator for Aberdeenshire Council, said: “As we enter a period of recovery for those communities affected there is still a great deal of work ahead of us, but improving conditions have allowed agencies to achieve a great deal today.

“The councils, emergency services and communities will continue to provide support in the days and weeks ahead of us but there are a number of infrastructure issues that will take some time to fully recover from.

“On behalf of all the agencies, I would like to thank everybody involved for their continuing efforts in such challenging circumstances.”