I was asked to find out what support there is for children with Asperger’s syndrome in Aberdeenshire Council schools. Here is the response I have received from council officers:
Information for parents
As part of Aberdeenshire’s Education and Children’s Services commitment to providing the right support for all learners including schools becoming “Autism friendly”. We have produced an information booklet for parents:
Support within school
Aberdeenshire Education and Children’s Services use a Staged Intervention model to provide support. The type of support varies from child to child; the broad intervention strategies are detailed in the Staged Intervention table.
In the first instance of a teacher having concerns about a pupil then the class teacher could discuss concerns with the ASL teacher. The ASL teacher could refer to Aberdeenshire’s webpages for further information and/or the Autism Toolbox. http://www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/…/addit…/support-for-autism/
Additional Support for Learning (ASL) teachers can provide advice/consultation for the class teacher. Next steps, could include targeted pupils support assistant (PSA) support and/or ASL support either in class or part of a small group. For some pupils, a differentiated curriculum may be appropriate. Within primary, this could include an enhanced transition programme, small group work; within secondary this could include small group work/tutorial, travel training, college transition days. Support will include transition planning at key points: nursery to primary, primary to secondary, Broad General Education to Senior Phase and planning for post school provision.
We treat all young people on an individual basis, and identify their needs at the earliest opportunity. It may be appropriate for an individualised educational plan (IEP) to be drawn up; parents, child/young person & professionals are involved in writing this.
Within primary, schools with enhanced provision and community resource hubs are being provided with a sensory room and a life skills facility. All secondary schools are being provided with a sensory room and a life skills facility.
In secondary schools there is a range of support currently in place for young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Several academies have timetabled class support e.g. “Post 16 ASD Transition Project”, Extended Work Experience, Inclusion Project, Confidence to Cook, SQA Assessment Arrangements, visits to college, Lifeskills, Peer mentors in class.
Health and Well-being
The request for information referred to “bullying”. Aberdeenshire Education and Children’s Services has an anti-bullying policy and guidance:
Anti-bullying guidance is included in each school handbook. Within primary schools, there are a number of support interventions e.g. the Intervention Prevention Teacher can provide support and advice as well as direct input. Some schools offer buddying at interval/lunchtimes e.g. a primary school may have “Friendship stops” in the playground where children can go, secondary schools may offer a range of lunchtime clubs and activities. Within secondary schools, pupils are supported by a Principal Teacher of Guidance who are the first point of contact for pupils and parents. They have regular contact and discussion with the Principal Teacher of Additional Support for Learning and class teachers regarding the support of young people. Pupil Support Workers are deployed across primary and secondary schools to provide additional support to children and young people.
Staff training
Staff training in meeting the need of pupils with ASD can range from awareness raising to post graduate studies e.g. one school cluster used an in-service day to deliver Autism training to schools within the cluster (2013). Aberdeenshire Educational Psychology Service provides guidance, training and research information to schools. Additional Support for Learning teachers also provide staff training and advice.
Support from council officers
Education Support Officers (ESO) and Quality Improvement Officers (QIO) offer support to schools in a number of ways. ESOs and QIOs from the Additional Needs Support team can offer advice and training to schools.