Update on Bruntland Road

Here is the latest on Bruntland Road, Portlethen, from area roads manager Philip Leiper. This should answer a few questions.

“Following a site visit, which I attended with Alan Burns, it was decided that the main sections of Bruntland Road would be patched and surface dressed – this has now been done – and the major junctions of Muirend Road and Old Portlethen Road being resurfaced with asphalt due to the stresses involved with turning traffic.

“Funding has now been secured for the asphalt works, but due to the short timescale it has not been possible to carry out the second phase during the summer holiday period, so the plans are to carry out phase two at the end of September and the beginning of October to coincide with the Tattie Holidays, so as to reduce the impact on the travelling public.”

Grants available for local causes

The Meikle Carewe Wind Farm Community Fund opened for applications on 1 July. Applications to fund can be made up from groups and projects which benefit the communities living in the following community council areas: Crathes, Drumoak and Durris; Newtonhill, Muchalls & Cammachmore; North Kincardine Rural; Portlethen and District; Stonehaven and District.

For more information please follow link – http://www.kincardineshiredp.org/wind-farm-funding.html

Views sought on education plans

A plan setting out the future direction of Aberdeenshire Council’s Education and Children’s Services over the next three years is now open for public comment.

The plan sets out the council’s priorities on the delivery of a wide range of services including schools, nurseries, cultural services, family centres, leisure facilities and community learning.

The council is asking for feedback on seven priority areas that have been identified to help shape the wider aims of the service, including:

• improving learning and teaching and the quality of the curriculum in our schools, early years and other learning establishments

• taking an evidence-based approach to raise levels of attainment and close the gap which sees children and young people living in relative deprivation less likely to achieve their full potential

• transforming our services to give every child the best possible start in life by effectively supporting them and their families and providing targeted intervention where necessary

• making sure our buildings create an inclusive and positive environment for learning, working and engagement

• supporting our communities to become healthy and vibrant by promoting and delivering healthy activities and reduce health inequalities

• developing effective partnership working so children and families receive the support they need, when they need it, and as far as possible, within their local communities

• investing in the learning and development of our staff to build a highly-skilled workforce and improve leadership at every level.

To comment on the plan visithttps://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ECS_SP_2016

The consultation will run until Sunday, August 28

Question mark over Portlethen dispensary

NHS Grampian is conducting a review of six dispensing GP practices, and this includes the pharmacy in Portlethen Medical Centre (not Michie’s next door). Here is information from NHS Grampian which has more details …

The review includes a public consultation which runs from today (4 July) to 1 October. The other GP practices affected are Auchenblae, Gardenstown, Rhynie, Skene and Udny Station.

Following the review of dispensing by the Haddo Medical Group completed in 2015, the Grampian NHS Board accepted a recommendation to conduct a review of general practice dispensing across Grampian. This review would assure the Board that, where a medical practice has been required to dispense, this is in line with existing regulations.

The review is triggered by the need to make sure that the Board is continuing to act legally in requiring these GP practices to dispense for their patients. The Board can only legally require a practice to dispense for patients who have a “serious difficulty” in accessing prescribed medicines and appliances from a pharmacy. The term serious difficulty is not defined but the Board can consider the distance to the nearest community pharmacy, issues of communication and other exceptional circumstances.

The review will therefore seek to determine which patients of each of the associated practices continue to have serious difficulty in accessing prescribed medicines and appliances from a pharmacy.

The review will also seek to establish the overall impact of any potential changes on the practices involved with the aim of ensuring sustainability and a cross-system approach.

If you would like copies of an information sheet and/or patient response forms, please contact NHS Grampian’s public involvement team on 01224 558098 who will be happy to provide these.

A link to this consultation on NHS Grampian’s website is at:
www.nhsgrampian.org/involvingyou and by clicking on ’projects and consultations’.

Send your response to: Freepost, NHS Grampian (no stamp is required). If you prefer, email your response to nhsg.involve@nhs.net

The closing date for all responses is 1 October 2016.

Finally, it might be helpful if I add that the dispensary in the centre is permitted to dispense medicines to patients who reside outwith a one mile radius of their nearest pharmacy. The dispensary staff also process repeat prescriptions for all patients.

Go-ahead for Stonehaven supermarket

Approval was granted today for the first large-scale supermarket in Stonehaven. It took us councillors on Aberdeenshire Council three hours and 40 minutes to consider applications for four different stores in the town.

In the end proposals for a supermarket, hotel and restaurant between the Slug Road and the A90 on the Ury Estate were approved, by 27 votes to 18. Local councillors Raymond Christie and Graeme Clark moved the motion for a delegated grant, against officer recommendations.

I supported the application.

Intolerance is not welcome

Today I put forward a motion at a full meeting of Aberdeenshire Council condemning the spread of racism across the country. I was delighted to receive the backing of all councillors.

I felt it important to say this at this time, when – sadly – intolerance is surfacing around the UK. People should be judged as individuals and not labelled by race, religion or nationality. We should be welcoming of those who have chosen to join us. What a compliment that is to us.

I told councillors that the moment incomers decided to make this area their home in my eyes they became a Scot. I urge those who are settled here not listen to those who say “you can leave” – as happened to a friend this week. No matter the result of the referendum, the new Scots, the new residents of Aberdeenshire, are welcome.

Here is my motion:

This council condemns racism, xenophobia and hate crimes unequivocally. We are proud to live in a diverse and tolerant society. Racism, xenophobia and hate crimes have no place in our country. Aberdeenshire Council will continue to work with others to tackle and prevent racism and xenophobia. We reassure all people living in Aberdeenshire that they are valued members of our community.

Hot topics at Portlethen

Portlethen Community Council tonight covered a lot of topics, watched by three members of the public. Here are some of the issues that caught my attention in particular:

– There was much discussion about the opening of the new Hillside primary school and the impact on Portlethen Primary and Fishermoss Primary. Seven teachers from Portlethen will transfer to Hillside. There is still a vacancy for a teacher at Hillside. The new head teacher is Lesley-Anne Munro, from Walker Road School in Aberdeen.

– Kincardine and Mearns councillors today approved plans to spend £200,000 on providing a cycle/footway along Old Wellington Road to connect Marywell with Cove. I pressed the case at the committee meeting today and was assured that discussions are underway with Aberdeen City Council to ensure that the link is completed as part of the route lies with the city. The proposals also include spending £12,000 on passing places on the road from the Mains of Portlethen to the Neuk in Old Portlethen. The plans now go to the council’s infrastructure services committee.

The community council also was assured that the Shire still has ambitions for a cycle/footpath between Portlethen and Cammachmore (one landowner will not co-operate) and between Muchalls and Stonehaven.

– A sign has gone up for Domino Pizza at the new shops at Hillside. The unit which was earmarked for a pharmacy by Dickie’s (the application was turned down by the NHS) will be opened by the company though as something else yet to be determined. The main store will be a Co-op.

– Plans lodged with Marine Scotland for eight wind turbines some 10 miles off Portlethen were discussed. Strong views were expressed on the merits or otherwise of wind turbines. However there was consensus that the community council should express its concern that it had not been asked by Marine Scotland to comment, The lack of consultation – and information – was condemned.

Earlier in the day Kincardine and Mearns area committee had been given details of the proposals, and this information was passed on by the two councillors present. The landfall from the turbines would be on the south side of the city.

One community councillor quipped that given the rain and haar in this area most of the time we won’t see the turbines anyway.

– The progress, or at the moment lack of progress, with the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route came under the spotlight, focussing in particular on the changes at the Charleston flyover and the imminent closure of the Duffshill road. Diversions and delays might be ahead as the flyover is replaced.

– Plans for the gala on 13 August were briefly discussed with community councillors volunteering to assist in the beer tent.

– Helen Sleeth, who is also active in the Portlethen allotments group, was unanimously co-opted on to the community council.

– A volunteer has come forward to set up a website for the community council, and to maintain it.

– Balquharn Drive, Way and Circle are being adopted by Aberdeenshire Council. This means the council will be responsible for the maintenance of the roads, pavements and street lights. Kincardine and Mearns councillors approved the proposal today.

– The community council’s suggestion of School Brae for the name of the road leading west from Cookston Road towards Hillside primary school was accepted by Kincardine and Mearns councillors today.

– The community council is giving a grant of £625 towards a summer scheme which helps some youngsters prepare for the transition to Portlethen Academy.

– An administration grant of £1342 from Aberdeenshire Council has been received by the community council.

There were many other topics, but that’s enough for tonight! If you would like to find out more, come along to the next meeting in the academy on Tuesday 26 July, starting at 7pm.

Grants for good causes

I was delighted to propose today that a grant of £8000 be made to Newtonhill Bowling Club towards the cost of replacing the bowling surface. My colleagues on the Kincardine and Mearns Area Committee supported the proposal.

Councillors heard that the club – established in 1982 – has raised £23,000 towards the cost of £40,680. The shortfall will be bridged by further fund-raising and an application to the Meikle Carewe wind farm fund. The playing surface has reached its sell-by date and would at most last another year or two. The club is confident that the replacement work can be completed by March 2017.

We also agreed to grant Maryculter Hall Users Association £2000 to cover the cost of repairing their lawn mower which is used to cut the sports field. The mower was damaged in the flooding at the beginning of the year.

Choice over Causey Mounth plans

This week’s Mearns Leader carries adverts on page 35 for traffic orders for the Causey Mouth at the new Hillside primary school. This consultation period for public comment runs until 22 July. During this time members of the public will have an opportunity to submit representations to either, or both, traffic orders.

One option is for a 20mph limit and speed tables, the other is for closure.

Further information should be available from tomorrow (24 June) atwww.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/…/traffic-managem…/traffic-measures.

Comments or objections need to be sent in writing to Karen Wiles, head of legal and governance, Aberdeenshire Council, Woodhill House, Westburn Road, Aberdeen AB16 5GB. The final decision will be made by councillors in due course.

Shire votes to stay in EU

A majority of people of Aberdeenshire voted to remain in the European Union.

A total of 76,445 (54.99%) voted to remain in the EU, while 62,516 (44.97%) voted to leave.

The turnout for Aberdeenshire was 70.6%, with 139,014 taking part out of an electorate of 196,809.

The declaration was made by returning officer Jim Savege at around 4.35am at the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre.

Overall Scotland voted in favour of the UK staying in the EU by 62% to 38%.