Can you help the NVA?
Newtonhill Village Association is looking for more committee members. The NVA is the organisation that organises the Skateraw Fair, the Santa Run, the fireworks display, the seniors’ party, helps run the common good fund, established the Newtonhill Environment Action Team (NEAT), and publishes the Newsey magazine. Among other things.
If you can help, the next meeting is in the Bettridge Centre kitchen area on Wednesday 2 November at 7.30pm.
At tonight’s AGM in the bowling club, the office bearers were re-elected, with Alanna Cooper in the chair. Although the committee is enthusiastic and in good heart, more volunteers would be welcome.
Police take action on red light drivers
After a number of complaints about drivers going through red lights on Cookston Road in Hillside, I contacted local police inspector Fionnuala McPhail. Today she told me that she agreed that this behaviour is an offence and therefore most definitely a matter for the police.
“We are currently undertaking some proactive work in respect of Road Safety and in particular the targeting of areas that have been the subject of repeated complaints. This area would appear to fit that criteria and I have passed your comments on to the Roads Policing Team and the team involved in these proactive patrols.
“I trust that additional Police attention, accompanied by some education and prevention, added to the action that our partners in the Council have agreed with regards to changing the angle of the lights may go some way to rectifying this issue.
“It may be the case that a joint visit is required to the site by Council and Police Scotland representatives to fully assess and suggest any other measures that may assist.”
More recycling needed
More than half the stuff in household bins could be recycled, according to a report to Aberdeenshire councillors today.
Some 500 households took part in the research carried out in June.
Food waste accounted for 22% of stuff in the landfill bin, including packaged food (possibly past its eat-by date?). Paper and card totalled 9%, plus glass (3.9%) and green waste (16.7%) which could be taken to a household waste recycling centre.
The council has 17 recycling centres – with Badentoy due to open in December. They currently handle 30% of the waste collected in Aberdeenshire, of which 60% is recycled.
In 2015 44% of household waste in the Shire was recycled. That needs to increase as the costs of landfill are prohibitive, as well as not being good for the planet!
The council has a target of reaching 60% of household waste being recycled by 2020.
New rail stations would be worth it
I attended the board meeting of the North East of Scotland Transport Partnership (Nestrans) this afternoon in Aberdeen and once again pressed the case for better rail services and more stations.
A £3.2m Civitas Portis European Project grant is being made to improve travel in the area. This will involve a consortium of council, university and private partners. I was assured that investment in rail improvements will include this in its scope.
Who knows where this will lead.
We also heard that further work on long distance paths is being undertaken, including the possibility of an Aberdeen to Stonehaven route. Sustrans has agreed that £50,000 of a grant can be used in developing this project. This should be allocated to a feasibility study and outline design of six long distance paths in Aberdeenshire.
The other interesting suggestion was that a new rail route from Aberdeen should go beyond Ellon to a so-called parkway station, near to the A90 so that drivers from Fraserburgh and Peterhead would be attracted to use a park and (train) ride.
This would mirror the success of the Tweedbank station on the new Borders railway. In the year that it has been open the number of passengers has been 10 times the prediction.
Successful year for academy
An interesting evening at the AGM of Portlethen Academy Parent Council. A wide range of topics discussed including exam results, mental health, encouraging parental engagement, pupils’ improving work ethic and behaviour, etc.
Head teacher Neil Morrison told us that the school has had a good, successful year. There are 776 pupils, of whom 88% are Scottish and 12% are from a different ethnic background. The number of out of zone pupils is increasing.
Given the difficulties in recruiting teachers nationally, the academy is faring well, though filling a 0.5 home economics post and a 0.5 business post are proving insurmountable.
North East MSP says local tax should be for local priorities
Commenting after local government representatives appeared before the Scottish Parliament Local Government and Communities Committee to give evidence on council tax reforms, Scottish Liberal Democrat North East MSP Mike Rumbles said: “The principle here is clear. Local taxation should be applied to local priorities.
“At Holyrood last week it was clear that there is no majority across the Parliament for the SNP’s council tax reforms. They need to accept this fact and go back to the drawing board.
”Extra funding for education is essential. The Scottish Government’s record on closing the attainment gap in education is poor. But if the SNP want to introduce a national policy then it should be paid for out of central government funds. They should not tie the hands of councils by cutting local funding in this way.”
Calls for council’s SNP group to distance themselves from tax plans
Aberdeenshire Council’s ruling SNP group has been challenged to put North-east residents before “the party in Edinburgh” as the row over proposed changes to council tax deepens.
Under government plans, homeowners in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire will hand over £47m in local government tax rises – money which will be spent on services elsewhere in the country. Opposition politicians have reacted angrily to the proposals, which include increased bills for people living in band E-H homes.
However, according to the Press and Journal council leader Richard Thomson of the SNP said: “The council tax reforms will make the tax more progressive by leaving lower earners in band A-D houses untouched while raising an additional £100m to improve educational attainment right across Scotland.”
He also added: “We will be making sure… that the case is made for extra resources go to where they are most needed in Aberdeenshire as well.”
Snippets around Portlethen
Lots of interesting items from this week’s meeting of Portlethen’s community council.
– The all weather pitch at Hillside is “dead in the water”, due to a lack of volunteers to take the project forward, Alec Reid told the community council. Any group could now approach Aberdeenshire Council for an asset transfer. The community council wondered if residents just want it left as a grass field.
– A resident has approached the community council about upgrading the skateboard park. Chairman Ron Sharp says this needs to come from the community with a group being formed.
– Community councillor Paul Melling is investigating whether an outdoor gym can be provided in Portlethen. The community council gave full support to the proposal, though chairman Ron Sharp added that the project has to be supported by residents and be community driven.
– A warm welcome was given to the grants given by Aberdeenshire Council to the Men’s Shed and the Jubilee Hall. There were concerns expressed that the Jubilee Hall is losing lets because of the level of charges. If groups are struggling to pay rental fees they are urged to contact the community council.
– Planning permission has been approved for the multi use games area (called a MUGA for short) at Portlethen Primary School and it is anticipated that work will start very soon.
– Wood has now been sourced to carve a replacement dog at the Gruffalo woodland park. The Moss Preservation Group paid fpor the timber, and the community council is paying £150 towards the cost of carving it. The previous carved dog was stolen.
– A police officer attended the meeting and warned that there are opportunist thieves about. Residents should ensure that doors are locked and keys, wallets and phones are not left lying about as easy pickings. Other issues includes cycles without lights, and speeding. Speed checks were carried out at Riverside of Blairs, in the 30mph zone, with some being caught at double that speed. The local police inspector is to attend a future meeting.
– Donations were agreed for Portlethen Primary School and the golf club fund raisers for good causes.
– There was a plea to residents to complete the questionnaire delivered with the Clochandighter magazine.
– Plans have been lodged to demolish the for Cammies restaurant at Cammachmore and replace it with six houses.