Lots of interesting items from this week’s meeting of Portlethen’s community council.
– The all weather pitch at Hillside is “dead in the water”, due to a lack of volunteers to take the project forward, Alec Reid told the community council. Any group could now approach Aberdeenshire Council for an asset transfer. The community council wondered if residents just want it left as a grass field.
– A resident has approached the community council about upgrading the skateboard park. Chairman Ron Sharp says this needs to come from the community with a group being formed.
– Community councillor Paul Melling is investigating whether an outdoor gym can be provided in Portlethen. The community council gave full support to the proposal, though chairman Ron Sharp added that the project has to be supported by residents and be community driven.
– A warm welcome was given to the grants given by Aberdeenshire Council to the Men’s Shed and the Jubilee Hall. There were concerns expressed that the Jubilee Hall is losing lets because of the level of charges. If groups are struggling to pay rental fees they are urged to contact the community council.
– Planning permission has been approved for the multi use games area (called a MUGA for short) at Portlethen Primary School and it is anticipated that work will start very soon.
– Wood has now been sourced to carve a replacement dog at the Gruffalo woodland park. The Moss Preservation Group paid fpor the timber, and the community council is paying £150 towards the cost of carving it. The previous carved dog was stolen.
– A police officer attended the meeting and warned that there are opportunist thieves about. Residents should ensure that doors are locked and keys, wallets and phones are not left lying about as easy pickings. Other issues includes cycles without lights, and speeding. Speed checks were carried out at Riverside of Blairs, in the 30mph zone, with some being caught at double that speed. The local police inspector is to attend a future meeting.
– Donations were agreed for Portlethen Primary School and the golf club fund raisers for good causes.
– There was a plea to residents to complete the questionnaire delivered with the Clochandighter magazine.
– Plans have been lodged to demolish the for Cammies restaurant at Cammachmore and replace it with six houses.