Now here is something interesting I stumbled across elsewhere on Facebook. A planning application has been lodged for a new junction to connect Badentoy industrial estate with School Brae at Hillside.
One of the supporting documents explains why this is happening now.
“Phase 1 of the Badentoy Industrial Estate / Business Park has been constructed and is fully occupied. A planning condition attached to the original planning consent restricts further development until a new link road has been constructed between the industrial estate / business park and School Brae in the northeast, providing a secondary point of access. The trigger for the link road is 303 arrivals and 292 departures during the AM peak hour. Planning permission for the physical construction of the road is required.”
The transport assessment concludes that “The assessment of the local road network supports the link road proposals and concludes that the study network will continue to operate within capacity with the introduction of the additional committed traffic and the redistributed traffic associated with the link road proposals.”
Anyone who wishes to comment on the application, lodged on behalf of M Bruce and Partners of Ellon, should contact Aberdeenshire Council by Tuesday 2 May 2023. More details here: