Police look back at December

Police Scotland’s report on the Kincardine and Mearns area for December was published today.


There has been a decrease in the anti-social behaviour calls, with 21 being received.

There were seven assault crime reports raised; five reported are detected and have been reported to the procurator fiscal and the Youth Justice Management Unit. Meanwhile, one is still being investigated. There were no serious assaults reported.


There have been 10 thefts with seven remaining undetected and are still being investigated. Three of the thefts relate to shoplifting offences, two of which were detected and the person responsible reported to the procurator fiscal. The third crime is still under investigation.

These crimes include entry being forced to a garage in Maryculter and a number of tools stolen from within. This is still under investigation.

In St Cyrus, a 33-year-old male was charged with a sneak-in theft to a residential property where soft furnishings were stolen. He has been reported.


In December there were two drivers found to be under the influence of alcohol. They have been charged and reported.

There was one reported incident of dangerous driving, and four reported incidents of careless driving, all of which are detected and reported to the fiscal.

Numerous road safety checks using the Unipar laser device have been undertaken. Several new locations have been put forward as areas of concern for speeding, which will be visited in future operations.


As an Intelligence-led organisation, Police Scotland depends on members of the public to come forward and provide information. We like to know the ‘who, what, why, when, where and how’ in relation to criminals who are living or committing crime in our communities.

Nothing should be considered too small or irrelevant, things like names, nicknames, addresses, descriptions and vehicle registration numbers are all very helpful.

All information received is treated confidentially and measures are put in place to prevent the source of the information being identified, before it is shared with police officers. Information received helps prevent and detect crime, disrupt criminal activity and apprehend offenders.


 101 – Non emergency
 Email – StonehavenLowerDeesideCPT@Scotland.pnn.police.uk
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