Villager recovering

An update from the family of Newtonhill resident Alan Robertson who was found after being missing for several hours on 29 December. He was taken to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary to recover.

There have been lots of people asking about Dad. He has made an amazing recovery, and is being moved from ICU to a general ward today. ? He’s fairly embarrassed by the whole event, ….. and between his memory and what we know, we’re still piecing together what happened and may never know the full story. Thanks to everyone for their, love, support and kind messages, we even had the paramedic winchman on board R151 reach out to ask how Dad was ?? Wishing you all a Healthy, Happy, and Wonderful New Year when the bells go tonight. Our Family are certainly counting our blessings & looking forward to having Dad home.”

I understand that Mr Robertson is no longer in the intensive care unit.

It was heart-warming the way the community rallied round to find Mr Robertson. One comment I saw later said police had been astounded by the response.

A good way to bring 2021 to a close.

LATEST, 2 January 2022: Mr Robertson got home yesterday afternoon.

Contributed photographs taken from the cliffs to the south east of Muchalls.

2 thoughts on “Villager recovering

  1. Rowe says:

    If you want any photos of the recovery operation, please get in touch. I live on the top of the closest cliff and the photos were taken from my garden. We were first alerted to an incident because a helicopter was coming really close to the house (think 50 metres fro your own sitting room….).

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