The annual general meeting of the Bettridge Centre and Newtonhill Community Hall Association was held tonight. Melanie Torrance remains the chair, with four others on the committee. New members would be welcome. For the first time the centre is due to pay a little corporation tax. Although income is up so are costs. Bookings are doing well, but there is always scope to do more.
They are hoping to tar the car park; knock down a wall so that the two halls are connected (it is the way it is for VAT reasons, but sufficient time has now passed); and buy fold-away tables and chairs. All this costs money. Grants have been secured from the Meikle Carewe wind farm fund for new equipment for Coastal Play. It is being relaunched shortly.
A new centre manager is to be appointed, with interviews currently taking place.
If you would like to help run the centre, get in touch: