I was asked today at the Banchory Devenick School fair about the proposals to either close the Causey Mounth to vehicles or introduce a 20mph speed limit and speed tables at the new Hillside Primary School. There is an opportunity now for anyone to put forward their views before a final decision is made by councillors.
The consultation process for making of a Traffic Regulation Order requires:
1) A 28 day statutory consultation period which is open between 20 May and 17 June.
Followed by a
2) A 21 day public consultation following an advertisement in a local newspaper.
During this 21 day period the order(s) are available for inspection via Aberdeenshire Council website and via web access at any council library and a paper copy of the orders will be available for inspection at the roads service office in Stonehaven.
In addition site notices will be posted on the roads affected by the order.
Subject to publication dates the 21 day public advertisement period is currently likely to commence around 1 July and will remain open for representations to be made until 22 July.
There will be no online surveys or public meetings as such, just a public advertisement proposing each of the orders and any person wishing to object to either order will have opportunity to do so.