Clamping down on fly-tipping

Aberdeenshire Council has stressed the need to tighten legislation to crack down on fly-tipping offenders.

That’s the key point in the council’s response to a Scottish Government consultation on a proposed new national litter and fly-tipping strategy.

The six-year strategy, due to be published in the coming months, will set out a vision for a future where the environment is unblighted by litter and fly-tipping.

It is a problem locally, with one example recently being a couch and seats being dumped near Portlethen golf course.

Before allowing any waste to be taken away, householders should take a note of the vehicle registration number, ask to see a waste carrier’s licence, ask the carrier exactly which licensed facility the waste is going to, and be suspicious if the quoted price is too low.

If the person taking the waste won’t give that information, then the chances are your waste will be illegally dumped and the householder risks being given a fixed penalty notice.

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