Coastal grants on offer

The third year of the Aberdeenshire Council’s Coastal Communities Challenge Fund programme is now live.

Grants are being targeted at community groups, third sector organisations and small businesses on Aberdeenshire’s coastline and can fund a range of activities with positive economic, social or environmental impacts.

The fund distributes revenues generated by Crown Estate Scotland.

In the first two years grants were offered to an array of projects including equipment for sailing clubs, investments in fishing businesses, improved community facilities and access improvements to beaches and the coastline.

Funding of between £2,500 and £25,000 will be available, however applicants must make a minimum 10% match-funding contribution to projects. Small business applicants must contribute 50% match funding.

Applications must meet the following priorities:

• Supporting the development of active travel routes along, to and from the coastline
• Developing the coastal economy and sustainable tourism
• Creating or enhancing community, leisure and recreational facilities
• Safeguarding, restoring or enhancing the coastal environment.

The deadline for submitting applications is Monday, 16 May. All projects must be completed by 31 March 2023.

Potential applicants can access the application form and guidance at Applicants can email for more information.

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