Mel Sullivan to fight North Kincardine seat

Liberal Democrats today unveiled Portlethen resident Mel Sullivan as their candidate for the North Kincardine ward in May’s council elections.

Mel has lived in Portlethen for more than 20 years and has been an active volunteer with many local groups and organisations.

She is hoping to follow in my footsteps as I am standing down after 15 years. It is a demanding job and after three terms in office it is time to step aside and hand over the baton.

Mel has impressed me since telling me she would be interested in standing. She has never been afraid over the years to put her hand up and get stuck into community projects. She cares deeply about our community. She has my full support and I hope the voters will give her the backing she deserves.

Mel says: “Ian is a tough act to follow. If elected I will do my best to live up to the example he has set. In particular, Ian’s communication with residents has been stellar. I may not be able to turn a phrase as well as an ex-newspaper man, but I’ll do my best to keep everyone informed and involved.”

A graduate of Aberdeen University, her track record of volunteering includes being treasurer of the Scottish Archery Association, Portlethen Primary PTA and Parent Council member, a campaigner for the new Hillside School, a member of the Jubilee Hall management committee and secretary of the Portlethen Gala committee.

Currently she is a volunteer with Home-Start, a charity which helps families with young children through their challenging times, as well as continuing to act as a parent helper in school when called upon. Mel also helps at the Fine Piece Café in Jubilee Hall and runs a free boardgames club – Tabletop Portlethen.

“I’ve always volunteered to help and been involved in local groups when I felt able. I grew up watching my father, a paraplegic, constantly going out to committee meetings – from campaigning for disabled rights, to being on the Parish Council. Now that my four children are all in school, I have time and energy to spare.

“My priority will always be the wellbeing of folk in this area. We need to support a just transition from oil and gas to renewables, keeping jobs here. I will also push for great places to exercise and play, including a youth centre in Portlethen. Lastly, we also need to get the basics right. Potholes and bins matter too.

“If elected in May, I will be a vocal and approachable advocate for Portlethen, Newtonhill and the surrounding villages and countryside, working hard to ensure this is a great place to live, visit and work.”

Council hopeful Mel Sullivan with Councillor Ian Mollison

4 thoughts on “Mel Sullivan to fight North Kincardine seat

  1. Mary Lewis says:

    Good luck and best wishes that Mell will be elected.
    I will certainly miss your weekly update Ian, so maybe Mell will continue with them..
    Thank you for all you have done.

    • ianmollison says:

      Thank you. Mel is planning to do something similar … but it will depend on how residents vote! No guarantees, but we wil do our best to have elected as one of the four councillors for this ward.

  2. James Iain Burt says:

    All the best Ms Sullivan at the election.

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