Storm warning for North East

With the Met Office upgrading its weather warning of strong winds, Aberdeenshire Council is encouraging residents and businesses to be prepared for the worsening conditions from between 7am and 3pm tomorrow (Saturday).

An area of very strong west or northwest winds will cross Scotland tomorrow morning in association with Storm Malik before easing during the afternoon. The strongest winds are expected in the east of Scotland later in the morning with gusts of widely 50-60mph likely with a short period of gusts in excess of 75 mph, particularly for Moray, north Aberdeenshire as well as the Lothians.

These winds have the potential to cause power cuts, loss of mobile phone signal, damage to buildings, injury to persons, fallen trees and travel disruption. Some communities may experience coastal surge and the council is readying stocks of sandbags at its depots:…/flooding/sand-bags/

Before the high winds arrive you should:
• Secure loose objects such as ladders, garden furniture or anything else that could be blown into windows or cause danger;
• Stock up on batteries for torches, bottled water and food supplies in the event of power outages;
• Check on vulnerable neighbours or relatives, share this message with them and help them prepare;
• Keep checking the forecast and keep up-to-date with the latest weather warnings at

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