Parked van blocks bus route

Earlier today a Scottish Gas van stopped one of the Stagecoach buses on its route through Newtonhill. It was parked in a public road between Skateraw Road and Hillhead Road which is a turning point for local buses.

This part of Newtonhill is an old fishing village where the roads are narrow.

However, to be fair to the driver there are not any parking restrictions in this location, though all locals know this area should be kept clear. Presumably the driver was working nearby.

I asked the council officers to consider parking restrictions in this small section of road. This is not the first time this has happened, though it does seem to be happening more regularly now.

The service responded by saying that they will use this as a catalyst for reviewing the route of the buses in this part of Newtonhill to ascertain any prohibition of waiting that is required to prevent this happening in the future. This process will need to successfully pass through the Kincardine & Mearns Area Committee for approval and resultant action for the permanent prohibition of waiting.

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