Opposition to planning changes

Today local councillors attended Kincardine and Mearns Area Committee.

We discussed proposals to change the process by which planning applications are dealt with. In essence the proposals would mean less involvement for councillors.

Councillors on the area committee were being asked for their views before the matter goes to full council for a decision.

Officers were suggesting that 10 public representations would be required to trigger a direct referral to the area committee. At the moment the trigger is six. The majority of councillors – including me – today urged that no change was required. It was also proposed that all applications if recommended for refusal would be decided by officers without referral to councillors. There were other technical proposals which would affect the role of ward councillors.

What concerned me most was that – if approved – there would be less involvement in making planning decisions for ward members. It may be a more efficient system, but less democratic. In my view.

The committee voted by 8-3 to reject the proposals and express our support for the current system.

Councillors supported a proposal to increase charges by 10% for providing biological data to commercial users of the North East Scotland Biological Centre (Nesbrec). The final decision will be taken by Aberdeenshire’s infrastructure services committee.

Backing was also given to a proposal to introduce charges for the delivery of exclusive activity sessions which the Ranger Service provides for commercial organisations. The suggested rate would be £28.89 to cover costs and overheads.

It is thought there will be a demand for such a service from the tourism and cruise liner industry. The final decision will be taken by Aberdeenshire’s infrastructure services committee.

All the reports discussed at the meeting can be found here: https://committees.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/committees.aspx?commid=8&meetid=19924

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