Two local stalwarts pass away

I was saddened today to hear of the death of two local residents.

David Northcroft from Muchalls was aged 79. He had been a vice-principal of Northern College, Aberdeen, and was also known as an author with an emphasis on local history. It was always a delight to have a chat with him and Kathleen whenever we met. We had been in the same baby-sitting circle many years ago!

David died in Kincardine Hospital on 22 December.

The Press and Journal carried a fitting tribute:…/david-northcroft/

Sandy Massie from Newtonhill died aged 92 in Havencourt Nursing Home, Stonehaven, on 29 December. He too was a lovely chap to have a chat with, along with Mary. Always had a twinkle about him!

Both funerals are private due to covid restrictions.

2 thoughts on “Two local stalwarts pass away

  1. Chris Anstock says:

    So sad to hear of David’s passing. He instilled in me a love of language from the days when he was my English teacher in Secondary school and which I value to this day. Always a friendly and kind hearted neighbour. He also featured my late father in law’s reminiscences from the Second World war in his books.

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