Good news for red squirrels

I’m pleased to see that a project aiming to secure the future of red squirrels across Scotland is to be extended for another two years.

Here in the North East, the Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels project has worked towards removing an isolated population of grey squirrels that was introduced to Aberdeen in the 1970s and spread to the surrounding countryside. Greys are now largely limited to the centre of the city with eradication considered “achievable”.

Grey squirrels – who are not native but were brought to Britain and Ireland from North America in the 1870s – are the greatest threat to reds as they compete for food and space and can also carry squirrelpox which is deadly only to reds.

One of my roles with Aberdeenshire Council is as a biodiversity champion for red squirrels.

One thought on “Good news for red squirrels

  1. peter rowe says:

    You obviously agree with me. I shoot grey squirrels on my land. However, I have not seen any for some years now.

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