New planning applications

The following three new applications in the North Kincardine ward can be viewed on the Aberdeenshire Council planning register:


Date validated: 13 December 2021.
Site address: Brooke Lane, Block 3, Plots 1-5, Chapelton.
Applicant: Elsick Development Company, c/o Turnberry Planning Ltd, 41-43 Maddox Street, London, W1S 2PD.
Approval of matters specified in conditions for Conditions 3a (Levels Survey), 3b (Drainage Plan), 3c (Foul Water Drainage), 3e (Cut and Fill Operations), 3f (Roads, Footpaths and Cycleways), 3g (Screen Walls/Fencing), 3h (Landscaping), 3j (Layout, Siting, Design and Finish), 3l (Waste/Recycling), 4 (Phasing of Development), 6a (Finished Ground Levels), 6b (Existing Landscape Features), 6c (Existing and Proposed Services), 6d (Location of New Trees, Shrubs, Hedges, Water Features), 6e (Schedule of Plants), 6f (Hard Landscaping), 6g (Existing Trees, Shrubs and Hedges to be removed), 6j (Completion and Maintenance of Landscaping), 7a-f (Disposal of Surface Water), (8 (Street Design), 17 (Construction Method Statement), 19 (Site Investigation), 20 (Remediation Scheme), 27 (Soil Audit), 36 (Waste Management Plan) and 37 (Environmental Management Plan) (Erection of five Dwellinghouse) of Planning Permission in Principle Reference APP/2011/3100 for New Settlement Comprising Residential (up to 4045 Dwellinghouses), Commercial, Retail and Community Facilities with Associated Landscaping, Open Space, Drainage and Roads Infrastructure and Services.
Public comment expiry date: 13 January 2022.

Date validated: 4 December 2021.
Site address: Land to the south of Corbie Pines, Polston Road, Kirkton of Maryculter, AB12 5FS.
Applicant: Mr George Knox c/o Mackie Ramsay Taylor, 21-23 Waverley Place, Aberdeen, AB10 1XH.
Full planning permission for the erection of a dwellinghouse and garage.
Public comment expiry date: 13 January 2022.

Date validated: 17 December 2021.
Site address: Land at Mains of Cairnrobin, Portlethen.
Applicant: OEG Offshore Ltd.
Hazardous substances application for the storage of hazardous substances. (Amendment to APP/2016/1813).
Public comment expiry date: 6 January 2022.

2 thoughts on “New planning applications

  1. Gladys McCarthy says:

    I can’t believe our councillors have agreed to this fly waste which is highly dangerous being off loaded so near residential areas. They should be deeply ashamed to allow this to happen.

    • ianmollison says:

      Good morning

      I note that this comment was posted on Christmas Day. I took a break from social media over the festive period hence the delay in responding. Season’s greetings!

      Turning now to your comment on the latest planning applications. I’m none too sure if you are referring to the planning application APP/2021/2840 which I included in the list. I am puzzled because this has not come before councillors for a decision. There is also time for you to put your views to the council. Please do so if you feel strongly about the matter at hand, and it would be helpful if you could point to the planning policies you feel the application breaches or complies with.

      Meanwhile councillors may not comment on the merits or otherwise of any live planning application until they have all the relevant information before us when we come to make a decision.

      Turning to the general point of councillors being ashamed of any decision we make … well, we are elected by the public to make difficult decisions and sometimes the public won’t like them. Sometimes the applicant won’t like the outcome. That’s just the way it is. Councillors have to come to individual decisions based on planning policy, the relevant laws, and be mindful of the code of conduct.

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