‘Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels’ needs help!

Have you seen a grey squirrel in or near Kincardineshire?

Grey squirrels are known to exist along the River South Esk and in low numbers between the Rivers South Esk and North Esk however, we have recently confirmed multiple grey squirrel sightings at separate locations north of the River North Esk.

As grey squirrels have spread northwards they have brought with them the threat of squirrelpox – grey squirrels suffer no ill effects of carrying the virus however if spread to our native red squirrel, it is typically fatal.

Without action, grey squirrels could continue to spread north, becoming established in Kincardineshire and beyond. If these grey squirrels are able to connect with the ‘island’ population in Aberdeen, which does not currently carry squirrelpox, the effects could be devastating.

Red squirrels have been spotted this year in the North Kincardine ward, in the Dee valley and beside the Causey Mounth not far from Banchory Devenick crossroads: https://scottishsquirrels.org.uk/squirrel-sightings/

How you can help?

Anyone who sees a grey squirrel in this area to please report any sightings to Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels as a matter of urgency at scottishsquirrels.org.uk.

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