Disquiet over tennis bookings

There’s a bit of a stushie on Facebook about the use of the tennis courts in Newtonhill at the park.

Here is the background.

Live Life Aberdeenshire – the council’s sport and culture arm – has set up an on-line booking system for tennis courts across the Shire now that lockdown is being eased.

Unfortunately the courts in Newtonhill have been included even though they are not owned by the council, but the community.

A sign has been attached to the gate which gives details on how to make a booking. (Photo provided by a villager: thank you).

Understandably this has caused a deal of upset.

The reaction of villagers to this mirrors my own. When I found out that this was about to happen I made my views known to officers. I wasn’t aware that the sign was going to be put up.

I will be following up on this tomorrow.

I have already had it confirmed by council officers that the local authority does not own the courts. A comment on the other posting of “use it or lose it” with the implication the council will remove the courts if there are not lots of bookings is wide of the mark.

That posting also suggested perhaps the village could seek a community asset transfer from the local authority. But that doesn’t apply, as the courts don’t belong to Aberdeenshire Council.

Elma Wylie, who knows about these things, has posted elsewhere: “If it is of interest in the Valuation Rolls of 1966-67 the Tennis Court and Shelter was under the Newtonhill Re creation Committee per Peter CG Mitchell in Balrownie and before that Frank Palmer in Elsick Place. In 1961-62 although it shows the Football Pitch as the property of GM Saunders, the Laird at the time it shows the Tennis Courts as the property of Newtonhill Recreation Committee per FW Palmer, Fairseat. I would say we have come across several mistakes in the past but the information might be of Interest.”

My suggestion is that villagers continue to do what they have always done. We use the courts on a first-come-first-served basis, and if someone else is already there, we come back later.

Officers are, I am sure, doing this with the best of intentions, but on this occasion it isn’t helpful.

Regarding maintenance and so on, if I recall correctly developer obligations funds were used a few years ago, prompted by the community council.
Community council chairman Michael Morgan has posted further information on the NMCCC page: “The tennis courts were refurbished in 2012 after nearly two years of negotiations with Aberdeenshire Council. The playing surface was replaced and markings painted for two tennis courts, a netball court and a basketball court. The nets and goals were replaced. The wire fence surrounding the courts was replaced and the entrance gate moved. This was paid for using £31,000 of Planning Gain (as it was called then) and a large donation from the Newtonhill Common Good Fund. The Newtonhill Common Good Fund has also funded replacement goal nets since 2012.

“There is a booking system already in place by putting a ball in the slot by the gate if both courts are in use. You have to be there to book and when one match finishes, it is your turn.”

Lastly, I note the website gives the area the name “Roadside Park”. Apart from some council officers, I have never heard anyone use that name. It is either “The Park” or “Newtonhill Park”. I’d welcome comments about that.

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