Plaque back at station

The missing plaque marking the reopening of Portlethen Station has now been replaced.

It says:
“Portlethen Station was originally opened 1 April 1850.
“After closure in 1956, it was reopened by Councillor Ian B Robertson of Grampian Regional Council on 17 May 1985.
“Plaque replaced October 2018”

I was there the day the station was reopened in 1985. There was much pomp and ceremony, as they say.

So I was disappointed when ScotRail took down the commemorative plaque in May 2017, saying it did not meet their standards. The lettering had faded and as a result the station had failed a recent inspection.

I had the plaque retrieved in the hope that it could be repaired, but that was not to be. I pursued the provision of a replacement with Aberdeenshire Council officers, and with the help of Rab Dickson of Nestrans a new plaque has been provided.

It is now on the stone plinth on the northbound platform.

Sorry this is a sideways view … no matter what I try I can’t get the image to rotate 90 degrees!

One thought on “Plaque back at station

  1. Mary Lewis says:

    Thank you for getting the plaque back again. We remember the opening in 1985. The primary school was there and it was our twins birthday. You are right , there was a lot if pomp and ceremony. 🙂

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