An eventful meeting of Portlethen and District Community Council tonight. There were nine members of the public, with eight there while their applications for grants were discussed. No press reporters, but three Aberdeenshire councillors. Here are some of the issues that caught my eye.
– There was much disquiet about the lack of a police presence at the meeting yet again, and the lack of local information in the written report. The report did reveal that a motorcyclist was arrested on the A90 north of Stonehaven for travelling at 138mph. However there was nothing about Portlethen. Chairman Ron Sharp expressed his disappointment saying it highlighted the passing of community policing: “Sad days”. Vice chairman Ian Bruce added that it appears that the police now discourage people from reporting incidents. The local police inspector is to be invited to a future meeting.
– The community council agreed to donate £2500 to Portlethen Men’s Shed towards the £5500 cost of a ramp for wheelchairs to link a Portakabin and the main premises on Cookston Road. The club has more than 40 members, aged from 55 to 98, including one woman. The club – which has been working for 18 months to become established – is open to people over 16 of both sexes. There is growing interest in the club, but even so it is unable to access lottery funding.
– A grant of £500 was agreed for Findon Riding Club which is sending members to championships in Lincolnshire. The club has 264 members, aged from five into their 60s.
– The gala was a great success with positive feedback for everyone. It was the second in a row for the community council.
– Every household in the community will receive a consultation questionnaire with the Clochandighter magazine which will be distributed shortly (more deliverers are required!). Completed forms can be returned to any of the town’s three Co-op shops or the library, by 24 October.
– There are now CCTV cameras at Portlethen station.
– Chairman Ron Sharp said he intends to stand down from the post at the annual general meeting in March. This is due to added responsibilities at work coupled with it being an ideal time for someone else to have the opportunity to take the PDCC forward. Ron has been chairman for five years.
– I also mentioned a number of local issues coming before Tuesday’s meeting of the Kincardine and Mearns Area Committee (part of Aberdeenshire Council). The Jubilee Hall is applying for a £8000 grant toward the £17,000 cost of replacing and windows and the kitchen. Hillside School Parent Council is seeking a start-up grant of £4200 to set up and out-of-school club. Councillors will be asked to approve the adoption of Balquharn Place by the council. An appeal was lodged against the refusal of planning permission for two houses at Wairds Farm, however the appeal was refused. There are proposals to cut the level of the gritting of pavements across Aberdeenshire including Portlethen. Councillors will also be asked to decide on traffic arrangements on the Causey Mounth at Hillside School.
– Emergency calls to the fire service from the North East will be handled in Dundee from 8 November. Operations from Aberdeen and Inverness are moving to the new North Control in Dundee with the transition completed by March. According to the fire service, callers “will notice no difference”.