Portlethen round-up

A varied number of issues discussed tonight by Portlethen Community Council. In no particular order, here are some which caught my eye:

– Four council vehicles with trailers parked in the Bourtree park car park when children were leaving Fishermoss primary school this afternoon. That caused chaos with cars parking on local streets instead.

– Crime continues to be very low in the area. In the last month there were 294 incidents in Kincardine and Mearns, with 53 crime reports in the Portlethen area. There were concerns that police do not take action when they are given details by the public of vehicles which are unlicensed and uninsured. The community councillors were also disappointed no officers were able to attend, and will raise their concerns with the force.

– The Christmas tree will continue to be a traditional cut tree, rather than a full-size live tree or a metal tree sculpture. The two other options were ruled out on the grounds of cost and practicality.

– There are more than 4000 Clochandighter magazines ready to be delivered around the Portlethen area.

– The establishment of allotments in Portlethen is proving to be a trickier process than was expected.

– Trees and bushes are to be planted later this year in four areas in the Burnside Park.

– Some 34 guests aged 90 are expected to attend a party to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday, organised by Kincardineshire’s lord lieutenant in the Invercarron centre in Stonehaven on 26 July.

– The dangers of the Findon underpass were discussed, with concerns being voiced about the dangers of traffic coming off the A90 southbound colliding with vehicles coming from Hillside. I have been in touch again with the area roads manager to press the case for interactive warning signs on the tow approach roads to the roundabout.

– Raffle tickets for the gala are now on sale, with a top prize of £500. A ticket costs £1.

– There will be six Hillside classes at Portlethen primary school until the new school is ready for occupation. More pupils for Hillside are also being taught at Fishermoss.

– There was a presentation on increasing the number of people walking and cycling around Portlethen. The public are being asked to give their views on a draft traffic masterplan which would see improvements on three schemes around the town over four years. If you would like to comment on the plans, you can do so by completing a survey before 18 June. 

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