Longer working hours on city bypass

There was a significant development today about extended working on the construction of the Aberdeen bypass. I am pleased there will be no Sunday working. Here is what Aberdeenshire Council’s infrastructure services director Stephen Archer has to say:

Aberdeen Roads Ltd have put in a contract change request to extend the hours of working on the AWPR Project.

Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Councils have received these applications from AWPR-CJV for permission (in terms of the contract agreement) to work outwith the hours agreed in the original contract document. Current working hours are 0700 to 1900 Monday to Friday and 0800 to 1300 on a Saturday, with no working on a Sunday.

The AWPR advise that the application to allow extension of hours will allow them to make use of the best weather. The extension sought is for 7 day working, 0700 to 1900, (except the Burnhead area where 6 day working 0700 to 1900 is sought) and run till December 2017.

Whilst there is the potential for residents to be disturbed by noise, it is recognised that there is a desire for the project to be completed on schedule.

As a contract change I have approved the following hours of working:

Monday to Saturday: 0700 to 1900 hours, with the exception of the area around Burnhead, (south of the River Dee), where there will be no extension, with hours of work remaining at 0700 to 1900 Monday to Friday and 0800 to 1300 on a Saturday.

There will be no working on a Sunday.

It should be noted that on the Balmedie to Tipperty section Sunday working for moving of earth has already been approved, from 19 September 2015 through to 23 December 2016.

Aberdeen City Council has approved the following hours of working:

Section from Westhill to the River Don: Monday to Sunday 0700 to 1900 hours.
Section from Westhill to the River Dee: Monday to Saturday 0700 to 1900 hours.
No extension to hours of working around the Contlaw Road area (Milltimber).

Where works are being undertaken on the City/Aberdeenshire boundary, the City has agreed that the hours of working will be as per the approval by Aberdeenshire Council.

The decision reached strikes a balance, recognising the potential noise impacts on local residents and the need to complete the project on schedule.

Regular meetings are held between Aberdeenshire Council and AWPR where any concerns and complaints can be raised.

The issue will be kept under review and can be adjusted by the Council should there be evidence of excessive disturbance to our communities.

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