Work under way to repair damage

Two further updates. The firstĀ is fromĀ North Kincardine Rural Community Council.

Scottish Water are on site to repair the damaged main at Maryculter. About 8m of pipe has been damaged, at the junction of the South Deeside Road and Milltimber Brae. The water last night took down about 30m of dyke, the road verge and the pipe, which ran along the north side of the road was damaged as well.

This video shows the extent of the flooding –

One of my councillor colleagues has also provided an update about the situation at St Cyrus, where you may be aware that there has been a long-running dispute with travellers about the building of a site for their caravans. They built the site without planning permission – I voted against the proposals as it is on the flood plain. And here is what happened yesterday:

At around 11am, the River Esk went into spate and flooded large areas of the Haughs all along the road to the St Cyrus Nature Reserve. This was also combined with sea water and land run-off from the high ground above. At the traveller site, a full scale evacuation had to take place and resulted in significant chaos as the actual caravans were removed during the day. By late afternoon only two remained.

One aspect which has caused concern to neighbouring residents is that diggers were used to divert water to adjacent areas which has caused anger amongst neighbours.

During the day Police Scotland were in attendance, two fire tenders and the Coastguard.

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