Bowling club looking for support

A fascinating presentation tonight by Jim Farquharson at tonight’s meeting of Newtonhill, Muchalls and Cammachmore Community Council. As president on Newtonhill Bowling Club he told the meeting about the plans to raise £66,000 to replace the carpet and concrete base at the Coastal Park facility. Unfortunately some grant applications have already been turned down, but that has not dampened their enthusiasm.

The club opened in the late 1980s and the base has now deteriorated. The surface might be played next year.

They are also seeking to increase their membership (currently at 33), involve more young people, and open the club house for community use.

The community council also discussed a number of other issues including a police report (190 incidents reported since the last meeting in the area covered from the Portlethen police office); planning; a £200 grant to the First Responders who are based in Stonehaven; tackling Japanese knotweed; and a new pharmacy at Hillside.

The meetings in the Skateraw Hall are open to the public. Third Wednesday of the month, apart from December.

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