We will welcome refugees

Progress is being made in Aberdeenshire to welcome Syrian refugees to the North East. The council is planning for up to 50 Syrian families.

Shaping the resettlement programme will require the co-ordination of services including housing, education, health, social work, employment, social networks, language, safety and stability. 

A steering group is being set up and a refugee co-ordinator has been appointed. The steering group will consist of representatives from the council, Police Scotland, Scottish Fire & Rescue Service, the voluntary sector, NHS, community action groups and the Aberdeen Mosque and Islamic Centre.

It is anticipated that housing will involve a combination of private rented, social and council housing. A number of private landlords have already indicated they have properties that could be made available for rent. The UK government has recognised that funding will be required beyond the first year and has made a commitment to resourcing. Consideration will also be given to the capacity of local schools to accommodate children.

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