Tomorrow there is a meeting of the Kincardine and Mearns area committee. There are a few items of note for the North Kincardine ward:
– There is a recommendation that four roads in Hillside are adopted by the council. They are Auchlee Gardens, Auchlee Wynd, Clochandighter Drive and Clochandighter Close.
– Councillors will receive a report advising us that Scottish ministers have given permission for five house at Ceolmara, Findon. This application had been turned down by local councillors, but the government’s reporter took a different view.
– Plans to convert attic area in the Quoiter’s pub in Newtonhill into self contained flats were given the go-ahead on approval. The provision of nine parking places for the residents swayed the appeal committee. In the original application there were only six parking places. That’s why the two outside seating tables have been moved to a corner.
– Similarly, an application for two houses north of 44 Downies Village has been given approval on appeal. Local councillors – and residents – had concerns about the scale and height of the proposed houses in relation to neighbouring houses. The government’s reporter did not share these concerns about the houses being overbearing.