Update on Chapelton new town

Tonight the Chapelton developers gave an update to Newtonhill and Portlethen community councillors, residents and three local Aberdeenshire councillors.

– Reference was made to the legal challenge the developers are pursuing through the Court of Session. They object to the Strategic Transport Fund, arguing that the contributions which are being sought do not related directly to Chapelton. The company was “reluctant” to go to the courts, we were told. The process will take several months.

– Some 33 houses are now occupied, with a further two abut to be occupied. In total 69 have been sold or reserved. Occupation rates are slowing down, in common with other developments because of the downturn in the local economy. Further marketing is to take place, with adverts on Northsound and Original.

– More than 500 trees have been planted in Pheppie Park, which will become part of a community park between Newtonhill and Chapelton. More trees will be added. They are all native species including birch, oak and apple.

– Dr Ewan Clark told us that a further 500 patients have joined the Portlethen medical centre’s list in the past year. To help cope the practice has taken on an extra part-time doctor, nurse and phlebotomist. Planning permission was received last week for a six room extension. It is hoped it will open in the spring.

– Stagecoach operations manager Graeme Leslie was present given that the park and choose opened recently. I raised complaints I had from residents, particularly the confusion over the X7 using the park and choose, but not the 7 services and the X6. These local services should make the switch in November and then the two A90 stops will no longer be in use. However we were told that the shelters and stops will not be removed. This will only cause confusion, and I asked that tis be looked at again. The park and ride will eventually see three buses an hour in either direction off peak and more at peak times. In due course a shuttle bus will link into Chapelton.

– The Chapelton development is in the running for two planning awards, with the outcome being announced in November.

– Concerns were raised about speed limits. The access road, called Greenlaw Road, has a 60mph limit though it has been designed so that traffic will travel more slowly. On reaching Chapelton the limit will be 30mph, though there are no signs yet. The main routes – which will be suitable for buses – are designed for 30mph while the side streets are designed for 20mph traffic. There was a call at the meeting for all the streets to be 20mph.

– The lack of bins (including dog bins) between Newtonhill and Chapelton was also raised. Discussions are under way with the council. Meanwhile the developers will ask the contractors to remind workers to take their litter home!

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