Tonight’s meeting of Newtonhill, Muchalls and Cammachmore Community Council was a crisp affair, covering lots of topics.
– The police report stated that there had been a number of incidents since the last meeting, including the theft of a five figure sum from the cash machine at Tesco, a theft from a house at Chapelton, and the theft of a car from Muchalls (four youths have been reported to the fiscal).
– There was discussion about the proliferation of Japanese knotweed. Efforts to eradicate it in the Elsick valley are progressing. However there are concerns there may be other clumps, including one between Newtonhill and Muchalls.
– The next meeting of the Kincardine and Mearns Bus Forum is on Thursday 3 September at 7pm in the council chambers at Viewmount, Stonehaven. This is when members of the public can raise points with Stagecoach. And a talking point is bound to be the new park and choose at Newtonhill, which has seen many hiccups, some more serious than others,
– A new planning application has been lodged for seven flats at Cammies.
– The applicant who wants to build houses between the park & choose and the A90 is appealing against the refusal decision.
– There have been reports of water pouring out of the sewage pumping station at the Muchalls viaduct. It has been raised with Scottish Water.
– Potholes on Old Mill Road in Newtonhill have been reported to the council.
– The car crash when it flew off the A90 into a house in St Ternan’s Road was also discussed. Concerns were expressed about it happening again with more serious consequences. Transport Scotland has ordered a safety investigation. The meeting heard another car driver had difficulty staying on the road earlier today. A diesel spill was suspected, and police have been told.
The next meeting is on 16 September in the Skateraw Hall.